Thursday, August 3, 2017

eye owe yew - and sometimes why

looking for the silver lining? 

the silver lining is watching you!

Some Druids made a, - Study Plan - Study Plan - Study Plan!
Some Druids made a, - Study Plan ,

it seemed the thing to do!

It thought it was a , School to Pray - School to Pray - School to Pray!
It thought it was a , School to Pray ,

where they made all the rules!

Some think it is a , Training Ground - Training Ground - Training Ground!
Some think it is a , Training Ground ,

To prove what they can do!

Learning is a, Sharing Thing - Sharing Thing - Sharing Thing !
Learning is a, Sharing Thing ,

not complex, - and- not- cruel!

Belonging is a Holy Thing!- a Holy Thing!- a Holy Thing!
Belonging is a Holy Thing!,

not being told- what-to-do!