voice from breath...
The base root "sound ", energy transference,
of which a conceptual communication - " word"is formed around or with.
The use of vowel sounds in human language determined the function and placement in written "graphic"representation of the information bundles for our senses.
vision from attention.....
A symbolic representation of Idea, or thought that transmits understanding,meaning.
The vowel becomes the syllabic essence of structure of the most basic " spectrum"-sacred division
Ritual habit - magical gesture
when people " learn" to read and write, there is a tendency,
to believe they possess a knowledge, or power, that those, who do not read and write - do not.
get the idea?
The new found expression brings with it, a sense of ownership of language mastery,
and a blocking out, of what does not conform to, or is understood to be,
communication by " others".
why the difference in voice quality?
Properties of understanding ?
search for meaning ?
habit of caring ?
ability to recognize the expressions and responses of others ?
complex interactions- overlapping conversations - inter species syntaxes
The shared language of life seems to relate more closely to feeling- responding to what the dominant sensory stimulus is.
Smell and Taste play a huge part of the natural world and its communications network.
Do words stimulate us differently when viewed in different lighting conditions?
compelled to respond to environment, as we perceive it ?
Part of an unconscious Action/Rest polarity dialogue with time and space ?