Wednesday, July 11, 2018

transient technology depiction truth trade

see what I see?
The written word evolved from the drawn symbol.
The ability to record light and sound is a recent achievement of humanity.
with it came the magic of , time trap, trust trip,
 impression of the keeping.
a thing that can be looked at or listened to again and again, whenever you want.
a posession
-consumer driven popular imagination-
+majority rule contemporary fantasy+
a product made, for you to spend some time with.
a creation that has associations with " belief ".
a predictable definable experience.
a direction of the awareness of another unknown.

very different than
the independent existence of "races"of ancient spirit beings
 that are part of Our Environs naturally - normally unseen
they have the power to make things,including themselves " appear" other than they are.
A description of a unusual phenomenon, a non-human intelligence.
the lucky or unlucky circumstances, coincidence ,consequence, characterized.
"you wont believe what happened." 
encounter with unexplained sights and sounds
story shared discreetly , or sensationally ,
 attributed to activities of  moving spirits
a direction of the awareness of another other unknown.