Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Bridging the Finite, and the Infinite

Bridging the finite, and the infinite.

The repeated seasonal ritual is only partially about the specifics of ,
 time and place- individuals gathered - parts played - words and actions.

Worship groups and their directors, including and incorporating "training" as part of their sacred ritual couple,
peculiar people performance procedure process  parade prominence to the proceedings.

The primary purpose has been attached to a social popular polarity of self / group expression and
self / group reception.
perception pretension presumption places people product praise platform pedestal premise.

center stage -  public praise / private promise.

a sacred  ritual can transform into a strange stage of personal spiritual expression and individual human psycho drama beyond the expectations of  planners or participants.

The experience is not to be evaluated in a standard way, it should not be quantified or qualified , compared, judged in a mundane sense as personal or group entertainment or spiritual advancement.
The " practice" should not involve a preoccupation with group recognition or status.
presentation portfolio profession profit pursuit .

not at its center any way.

The effects and effectiveness of group ritual are impossible to observe from within  the bubble of preconception.

A portrait that is posed is different from one that is candid.

I may have complete control of paint placement on a painting, but I have no idea what the viewer sees, takes away with them in memory and meaning.

My habit of tradition of group ritual assembly that is open ,
 happens ready or not, regardless of  space, or attendance.

What little control I have with the art of focusing and facilitating a fairly comfortable sense of appreciation of belonging to the moments that We are sharing together on that particular Time.

that is the picture , from my angle.

I have  no idea what people see of me,  magic in ritual, how they feel about the experience,
participation, transformation,healing, behavior?.
 how well received was a particular offering, or some ones  dish at the pot luck?
is that what is important?
is that the point?
or the perimeter?
My attention is elsewhere,
 often oblivious to people present around me, in an effort to acknowledge the presence and blessings of the gods , and not - gods!
past and present partaking in a relaxed referencing and refreshingly reverent and candid recognition of our not so obvious relationships, and their response,to our response of responding in ritual.