It wasn't my intention to capture my reflection in the image posted above this text
It wasn't my expression to relay my projection on the visage hosted within what's next
somehow, I'm there
somehow, I'm their
somehow, I'm they're
It wasn't my direction that exposed my complexion from the shadow upon the screen
It wasn't my digression that composed my objection to the complete picture as seen
interaction distribution gravity feeling exchange connected interrelated aspects ratios
perhaps perplexing providing possibility potential personhood planes particles places
all subjects and objects observed and unobserved energy moving through their being
all beings have unique qualities of interconnection observed and unobserved with their world
spirit salience sensitivity space soul significance squeezing stretching searching shared something
situational stress strain system synthesis study struggle strength structure surface selection sacrifice
all bodies part of other bodies with tension and release instinct and empathy with an emotional interior
all spaces filled with meaning purpose pathways of power currents of energy streams of spirits moving
flowing framework frequency fluency fabric field fluctuation function friction fiction fantasy forever
animate acquaintances all around accepting attention awarded acknowledged advised aware advantages