My Wife gets back from the city, and I feel I have to ask her if my last blog post was OK.
She said that I had not mentioned his referencing book ends, books and chapters, Our Son, so literary.
I had him read over what I had posted last, and this post , title, image and first two lines.
He said I didn't really give my opinion on the gate keeper controversy,She said the same.
For Me the Gate Keeper is the gateway with intelligence, will and sense of purpose of it's own.
Existing unnoticed , disappearing doorways. that do not open and close by your own control.
It represents the acknowledgement of spiritual help in the form of a spiritual contact.
It is good to be in the habit of acknowledging spiritual assistance.
One can never be certain where you are going to find yourself.
The gate is outside of oneself , not a product of individual imagination, not a construct of group desire,
The gateway experience is not one of automatic mechanistic predetermined paths .
It is preceded by discovery.
It becomes problematic when this gateway representative of initial spirit help,
Druid Drama Door is treated as a superfluous imposition on the ability to have direct contact and control by some who mistakenly think the door is a game in the mind of the group, or worse a special exclusive talent to be claimed by group or individual.
The present controversy contrivance conspiracy is not about the truth of the claim of cultural appropriation of the Gate Keeper in Ritual, It is about testing the organizations ability to timely and fairly investigate complaints / accusations.
It is also election politics, no cover up
Gate Keeper Keeper Gate