Monday, April 1, 2019

operative of Bonewits founded ADF

I found the title of this blog post from a link within another blog post referencing the personal Social Media account post of Author / Founder of Group characterizing the  Groups new leader, a couple years ago.

Funny that gate keeper and hostile takeover have popped up this spring in my essential magical current within the organization I have associated with for thirty years, referenced in this blog title.

Funnier yet that I could see a photo of the Author / Founder with his real name readily available to anyone with technology today, not so before I was yet thirty years of age with treasured books and a passion for study and practice relating to the Pagan Past.

Runes were a part of a cultural expression of specific peoples ,real people in a real time and place.
I never met Author/ Founder in person, but I did meet the other Author ~ Founder referenced above.
I began a practice that involved and incorporated other peoples, other spirits,other ideas,
 all real in this time and space.
My sense of reverence and appreciation is not limited to supernatural wonders and ancient ways.

 associations for Me
 the chicken or the egg?