Tuesday, January 28, 2025

preceding processional proportional perceptual process progression


                                                all things use the language of the observer

                                   compression                                                       expansion


all things giving and receiving their share

all things bless and are blessed


                                                fear                                                  longing


all things with limitations and capacities

all things feeling a part of where they are, where they've been at times


                                       open                                                                  close

              recombinant                                 reconfiguration                         recognition


                                            instinct                                       intention

Thursday, January 16, 2025

being from forming Life forms being

 It wasn't my intention to capture my reflection in the image posted above this text

It wasn't my expression to relay my projection on the visage hosted within what's next

somehow, I'm there
somehow, I'm their
somehow, I'm they're

It wasn't my direction that exposed my complexion from the shadow upon the screen

It wasn't my digression that composed my objection to the complete picture as seen

interaction distribution gravity feeling exchange connected interrelated aspects ratios

perhaps perplexing providing possibility potential personhood planes particles places

all subjects and objects observed and unobserved energy moving through their being

all beings have unique qualities of interconnection observed and unobserved with their world

spirit salience sensitivity space soul significance squeezing stretching searching shared something

situational stress strain system synthesis study struggle strength structure surface selection sacrifice

all bodies part of other bodies with tension and release instinct and empathy with an emotional interior

all spaces filled with meaning purpose pathways of power currents of energy streams of spirits moving

flowing framework frequency fluency fabric field fluctuation function friction fiction fantasy forever

animate acquaintances all around accepting attention awarded acknowledged advised aware advantages

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

World Neverending


 realities beyond the imaginations or awareness of beings co-exist in the same space

everchanging circumstances and situations localized internalized borders and boundaries

definition languages understanding place extracted from the everywhere unknown all around

beliefs behaviors bonded blessings buried bounty backyard behind buoyant barometric biopics

Friday, December 6, 2024

surfaces tensions vibrations fields

reactive responsive sensitive space surrounding pressure envelopes 

Time and Gravity invisible forces

 of feeling sense

 of the living touch

of this Earth


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

spirit soul story stuff

shedding singular separate seemingly similar 

shared synchronistic seasonal serendipity

selective settling stacked stratified shadowed sides

sequential spatial surrounding sensation signal searches

subsidized sentimental sentient sovereignty shapes surrendered

shine shade silent sound skin smell sanctuary seeds situated saved

synthesized solar saturated symbiotic stored sacrifice 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Life takes it's Time


vibrational patterns rhythmic oscillations
stable spiral waves
parabolic and hyperbolic curves
matter tells spacetime time how to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move
animated articulated
objects that are denser or less compressible than the host fluid are spaced by pressure nodes
pressure nodes correspond with minima in potential energy
potential wells
resonant shells
acoustic vortices
 waves with helicoidal wave fronts and null- pressure centers carrying 
orbital angular momentum

All of Life uses energy to sustain itself, that it acquires from outside sources.

Self-regulation is dependent on elements outside of the self, from the surrounding environment.

Dynamic equilibrium is maintained by actively monitoring and adjusting balance with pressures and concentrations of once living compounds originating outside of the body border being of all things.

Life is responsive to world -energy= world -energy is responsive to life

going round and round feeding from itself cyclically

the inside informed from the outside

with cost and effort

Life force being more than the union of mechanochemical patterns in external membranes and internal structure

synthesizing compounds for growth

autotroph and heterotroph with auxotroph and mixotroph

working for a living, on the clock, different life spans, different lifestyles challenges and difficulty the stresses that shape life forms.

surface growth

Extra cellular polymeric substances are about more than motility and a protective immediate environment for the individual cell living and leaving behind 

it accumulates aggregates accelerates

 networks of communities and colonies signals and nutrients in biofilm

 distributing partitioning recipricosity before the existence of multicellular vascular structures.




Life on any scale is no accident
existing in context with other things 
that are not accidents

ecstatic esoteric ecological enigmatic environmental egregore exploratory entanglement earth endeavor

metabolic magic temporal truths

desiccation and deification

die and be reborn

the waters of life!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

connective conductive collected continued

 Nature is not about judgement and punishment.

Nature is about teaching and learning.

The shift between real and imagined takes place between beings.

existing here and now as well as there and then all part of ours and theirs.

the inescapable fabric of then and now pulled through structures
 tissues of relationship. 

intersectional pathways
 with currents 
with direction and flow 
 movements that are not congruent with individuated determinism 
but an established depository of what has been,

 what lives in this world
 is assembled
 and instructed 
by what was something else before.