Wednesday, December 21, 2022

still me dreaming me still

Sacrifices made and witnessed
I painted the picture above before the studio tour was to take place back about ninety-six.
As an exhibitor in an Artist studio tour at One Eleven this is how I self-Identified with community.
Self-portrait as side show oddity
Although I am in a much different place now and am much older there is something that is me still.
clever-stupid juggling discovery surprise experience expression creation compulsion curiosity
The Fool or sacred Clown is a big influence with my teaching communicating understanding flow.
It is a feeling
a funny feeling
part of me that is beyond my personal control yet emerges from my controlled personal work

Part of me or my process before priesthood was part of my pagan picture 
 I had built up big city experience big time contributing as an individual in group efforts
particularly prominent the portfolio produced for promoting ADF publishing presence publicly.
The Druids' Progress was rebranded Oak Leaves
I was no longer the chief artificer the rebranded study program had elected guild chiefs from within a qualified membership of those that have completed the dedicant program to proceed with study in ADF.
My father was alive then, 
I never dreamed I would have the opportunity to be a father myself 
 when the twin towers were still standing, and I was on the other side of the Hudson River living.
A weird time stamp association loop of the yule ritual on my own
 after hosting and accommodating so many others with my effort and work in roles 
I dreamed of interacting with kindred spirits with beneficial and benevolent intention
The Waters holding Blessing in ways that I didn't expect acting in ways we cannot imagine

I am thankful for ADF priest hood as the focus and reference for this my blog.
A symbol of my involvement over the years
 I express myself more directly and intimately here than on any E-list or review form submitted
It is a good thing to share continuing education
Last Year I was gifted with a review from the clergy council, the Arch Druid wrote me back.
                                         Rev. Jean "Drum" Pagano
Personally thankful to that particular person for keeping myself and my wife, grove organizer
 of " Our Whole Grove " Proto grove of ADF part of the scene.
It is a good thing to document inspirational pathways

Last Year I was excited by the work of author Stephen Harrod Buhner, who has recently passed.
Personally grateful for that particular persons' publications pursuits as linkage to my hungry mind.
It is a good thing to exercise intuition and imagination
This Year ending, I have enjoyed and learned much from living Teacher's computer classes
John Beaulieu ND, PHD " BIOSONICS"
web site connections part of my branching tree and inner core it seems
Life is a workout- metaphysical fitness training involves discipline and effort of some degree
Primary principal of truth to self involves recognizing the personal stretch in playing the role of priest or painter
teacher or student
telepath or blogger
the regular applied practice is preventative medicine and spiritual sampling technique
collecting arranging displaying recording reviewing reimagining reengaging recreating

keeping up an inner balance and flow from finding something special in shit around you.

when you appreciate that it is special with feelings of its own about what is special
the turds point of view is not empathetic anthropomorphic conjecture on our part
although it may feel that way to us
 because we project a value of benefit of substance or form in service of need or pursuit of profit as resource.
Crap is not an individuated body with crown or consciousness but what remains of digested organic matter that came out of the other end of something that did
a sampling of living and nonliving animal vegetable mineral potential in existence without our blessing permission or request
it was left behind              by something alive   a legacy of past struggle, attention, sacrifice, effort
it does not require our explanation or reason for being
it does not contain a singular will or essence in a concrete active way any longer
it does contain hope and food for small things that have learned to count on that shit for a living.
what do they get excited about- what do they long to behold

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Behold!   the Waters of Life!!!

see the finished version of the painting below, inspired by Earrach of Pittsburgh's post
OSTARA-OSTSHMARRA! in his Blog -The Book of Sassafras- might be on the cover of 
Issue 100 of OAK LEAVES spring 2023  


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

physical record

 Knowing what gets the juices flowing is passed on generationally internally.
Interpreting our own experience, simultaneously speculating the perceived experience of others.

What sticks with you or anybody else at any given juncture of time and space?

Developing as experiencers,

 concurrently concluding conscious coincidence collaborates perceptive fields

What sinks in with you or anybody else at any taken journey in life?

Maturing as analysts,

 reflexively referencing reverence refining rightness comfort satisfaction 

Our judgments, intuitive feelings about the nutritional value of an experience are influenced by personal informational diets of individual past reactions and tastes for interaction.

Living bodies are the containers of transformational knowledge and metabolic wisdom.

Our individuation is not a function of our internal make up-

 it is made up of relationships with external experience digested somehow internalized.

much of what is person-personal-person hood-personality is not physical identification characteristics

it is behaviors uniquely expressed reactions and responses habituated situationally to circumstance.

Self in a sense is not the recording itself as the way it plays as live performance adapting and improvising qualities accessible and available at the time and place one finds themselves in.

fates, destines, stars and soil

I'm a Neo Pagan Druid with room for science and magic in the worlds of my head heart and gut.

Making a point of honoring this place called EARTH as a starting point and reference of common life and death experience past present and future

belonging is the beginning

part of the physical record

As a practicing priest I am cautious about creating sacred space sensitivity structure and formula that feels stiff or formal as to exaggerate error anxiety or demand a level of participation of others.

My down to earth approach to ritual performance comes to me naturally.

Serving suggestions-portion control-menu development-special recipe

 not as spiritually sound as

 not shoving anything down the throat of another.

forcing anything a very different matter indeed.

Subtlety nuanced combinations of aroma and taste coupled with feelings of texture on teeth and tung.

Archaic Anthropomorphic Animistic Awareness Advancement  

Articulating Amphibious Ambiguity Appearance Alignment Appetite

recorded here to reach the eyes of myself and others

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Bardic Inspiration

 I am wondering about glycocalyx and extra sensory perception-field awareness-extended personal space-sticky conductive informative extra cellular beyond the membrane experience.

thinking vibrating vesicles viscosity variables, the mechanics of mist and waft study.

Then the Arch Druid of ADF posts that Bardic Inspiration is presented as optional in COoR on the clergy council list.
Asking for discussion,
 I give a long and heartful response -hit send and it all disappears!

I repost this,

"thanks for bringing this to my attention, I whole heartedly endorse the reestablishment of Bardic inspiration to COoR"

I was inspired to speak of it with members of the grove before ritual and brought attention to the subject at the appropriate time in sacred space this Samhain with everybody assembled and reassembled.

I want to record here why I believe inspiration is a essential aspect in ADF ritual approach and appeal.
As the definitive and retentive best practice, we honor our sources as best we can as tribute to the work.

 complete order of ritual is a special song, sometimes a chorus tapping into an evolutionary response. 
it should not be about controlling, compelling, competing communication concept club creation 

Inspiration is an independent value judgement determined by the experiencer.
Catagoricly presented as a growth medium for individuals until expiration

People expressing a special reverence and veneration for other relationship expressions do so from a human artistic tradition coupled by an internal feeling that is exciting stimulating and uplifting.

Making an appeal ritually is- word actions intentions-
the connection
the lineage
Ritual is art form
We Are Not Know it All Originators of between the worlds behavior
We are not offering unquestioned obedience to a master for protection or forgiveness
We are acknowledging that the effort to guide, teach, learn the good stuff is a cultured benevolent spirit.
We seek to aim and focus from a common direction
not everchanging fashionable popular entertainment attention
not servile conformity to process authority structures
We ask that poetic language describe and examine the crafting and symbol of blessings appreciations 
We seek understanding from our efforts to share hopeful exchange
Instructive agency we feel you out there
Attractive creative curious compelling communication
mystical mythical moving mouth magic minds mingling memories melodies moments meals mixing

this is where the idea comes from

it takes place early to set the tone of ritual activity

guiding guarding group grip giving gratitude games generation generally generous good gift

it is not about fear
it is not about fear of the unknown
it is not about control or possessions, ownership, negotiating deals, mandatory behavior.

It is the bridge between silly and sacred constructed of metaphors of others connected by story
a response to environmental stimulation with an occasional expression of aesthetic beauty and charm.
It keeps us together
It crosses cultures
It turns us on
without it we are screwed

Saturday, October 22, 2022

locus-focus ~ hocus-pocus

Special effort is involved in entering and exiting sacred space.

Simultaneously interior and exterior perception is adjusted, awareness is altered.

An exceptional dimension of possibility and opportunity exist in the uncommon non- standard time .

A Place that we are not actively engaged in regular activity,

 a  temporary truce on conflicts ongoing and individual affairs.

what we carry with us into ritual space,
what we hope to clean away  before we enter,
what we offer in word - action - substance  - thought or feeling

A special time and place where wishes can come true
hopes can be found
prayers can be answered
A conductive current between worlds
An exchange that is taking place
That has taken place
That will take place
That is certain

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

wondering wisps of wafts within wafts

 to extend a kindness to another by word actions thought and other ways 

many and various are the agents of blessing over time and places witnessed

too many to get all the names or the pronunciation correct

 often too fleeting to notice at the time

the point is not the source of blessings recognition,

 but acknowledging blessing as life/death process entanglement

 gestures of greeting and farewell aid in developing understandings of shared existence

a repeated ritual

a sampling of attitude and demeaner 

a friend detector and friend developing technique

in the company of others

favorite companions, kindred spirits, comfortable relationships

a sense of something special shared coupled with circumstance-environmental pressures of the time.

Allies and alignments are aspects of attraction 

part of a polarity symmetry pattern we are suspended in

the distance between front and back - top and bottom

a recognition of others essential character's identifiable qualities are not found in their form and appearance

but in the way they behave, their movements and actions speak to their positive or negative reactions to interacting with an energetically charged environment

fluctuating currents transitional material occupying space in the company of others 

a sampling of attitude and trajectory, heading and bearing, time and temperature 

a repeated ritual of questioning and observing that charts the float and drift of feeling

in a world that is full of beings that perceive the world differently

insensitive to value scale proportion perspective composition of others likes and dislikes.

indifferent to company or surroundings and the effects of their actions upon others.

unkind and cruel behavior, hurtful action and mean spirit are part of the play book for some.

repulsion is a spirit guide, a reactive quality somewhere within part of natural threat awareness.

Enemies and vilification are not dominated by the intuitive dichotomy of good-bad and the imaginative capacity of the individual

social magnification and amplification structurally assert expertise in cult of fear and its management

and maintenance

targeting hostility, blaming,punishing,cursing are popularly driven but expertly directed learned behaviors as well as group stress trigger responses.

the distance between coming together to honor shared blessing and running away from persecution is

not measurable

but the movement is reflective of some kind of binary coupling that makes up a whole adrift in space.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

something found in the translation


My memory was in error in my last blog post when I suggested that Ernmas mother of Eriu and the Morrhigan was a widow of the Fir Bolg King.
she is Tuatha De all the way, I think - I Think? I was thinking of Tlaitu, Lugh's foster mother.
                                                       I Think
I did not check my story details as it was part of a sacred magical tradition memory game ~~~
while the Star Trek episode was specifically referenced in detail online from a few different web sites.

The Imaginative process is an exercise in mind powers, psychic abilities, out of body experience, dream travel, as well as empathetic understanding and spiritual intercourse.

Observation and recognition are often portrayed as the most human- sacred-smart process fixed on subjects and objects, measurements references and records

 yet reaction to changes in surroundings is the basic survival function of all life, even those without observable anatomical senses or nervous systems.
Somehow there is an environmental awareness of the surroundings that affects the behavior choices or options of all individuals compounded and accelerated in groups and groupings influencing attention.
                                                           We Feel
                                                  maybe everything feels 
Viewing habits are part of a stimulation of appetite for entertainment, safety, socialization, sacred stuff.

The comfort and action narrative and the internal identification/ perception shift that takes place among those witnessing or engaging and participating as relevant to Life Experience, wisdom or mind snack.
cultural currents crossover with cult developments contemporary and ancient.
 what is notable, popular, the structures forms relating the inside with the outside. 
From fixed stories corresponding to constellations of the changing night sky of the Proto Pagan Past
to Broadcast Network Executives comparing ratings of competing programing in a weekly time slot.

 characters and conflict combined with meaning repeated when they return to view.
                                               STAR SHINE
                                                projected imagery
most distant and untouchable yet accessible available and very real to all who witness it

                      the vigor remains                 Idolatry as a process of adoration,

                   not the object itself but the ideas and practices of the worshippers

  the depiction transferring information                transforming the viewers
fans, followers, groupies, devotees, zealots- shrines, temples, festivals, conventions, pilgrimages, 
                                          THE PERPETUAL NOTION MACHINE

Saturday, July 23, 2022

the omega glory


yup that seems to be what it's about.
I have observed that vigor in potted trees will distribute itself from branch to tip in a different fashion season to season- a will of their own- a character unique.
This investment in growth direction is part of a predetermined process and pattern in place before the emergent phenomenon -is the spirit or idea of future Life.
Individual growth pathways are limited by circumstance and challenged by existence- the cards you are dealt are yours to play as you wish.
Group behavior is a weird forecast and a risky investment in changing times- all institutions are shaky
The Bogus and ridiculous have never been so obvious

The bit above a clipped response to an old friend from the scene in the city crowned with my painting of Dian Cecht the elder Physician of the Tuatha De Dannan -
whos' first son Cian assisted by Mannanan Mac Lir travel to the isolated island hide away fortress of Balor the elder Fomorian - where he hid his daughter Ethne at the top of the tower's sunroom.
Guarded by mist attended by maidens impregnated by De Dannan outside of their claimed territory.
An unexpected illegitimate origin story for the many skilled god Lugh!

Balor/Fomorian grandfather = Lugh = Dian Cecht/ De Dannan grand father

The questions of truth and legitimacy of conduct are parallel in Ernmas the widowed Fir Bolg queen
whos' daughter Eriu is impregnated on the shore by a Fomorian prince with a kingdom elsewhere.
The child of accelerated growth and vigor was none other than Bress the beautiful who is wed to Brighid daughter of the Daghda to take over as unblemished and perfect Chief of the Tuatha De Dannan from Nuadu the original leader wounded in the first war with the Fir Bolg.
The need for a replacement made obvious by the battlefield prosthetic arm crafted by Dian Cecht.
Bress takes over the rule of the De Dannan not showing proper respect for his father-in-law and his wife's people during his reign,
Their only child, a son Ruadon  is killed during the war between the Fomorian and the De Dannan when trying to use the magical weapon of the De Dannan against its maker the smith Gobhanon of the trio of artists producing the armaments for the De Dannan war effort.

Dian Cecht acted as the chief of the trio of menders in the war between Fomorian and De Dannan his son Miach and daughter Airmed joining him at a specially prepared spring-well-pool of regenerative healing within the territory of the De Dannan.
There Dian Cecht repeatedly strikes and eventually kills his son Miach, as the story is told -
although he reappears later to aid in the trio of menders in the final battle where Lugh kills Balor and Bress surrenders claim to territory and agricultural secrets to the De Dannon.

Thats my memory of things
based on the translations I read
the spelling is maybe all wrong
I think it's not my memory alone
somehow similar to this blog tittle
 taken from an original Television series episode fifty-two 2nd season.
Captain Kirk takes a party from his Starship Enterprise to a planet involved in a long destructive domestic conflict between the Yangs and the Khoms to witness the sacred ritual of the Yangs with a tattered remnant of a flag of the United States of America!
Captain Kirk recognizes the holy words of the preamble of the constitution and blows their minds with his insights of their imperfect memory-spiritual revelation-social development...The Prime Directive???
Violated by a fellow Starfleet captain using his weaponry to win the war for the Yangs
 I did not remember that a virus and a biosphere immunity were involved in the story written by the show's creator Gene Roddenberry.
Doctor McCoy played a role - cross kingdom pollination
yet there is this poetomythic memory or association
based on the episode I have watched
originally picked up by adjusting an antenna on my mom's roof to get channel 50 out of Detroit- where Star Trek was in syndication.
Before the remakes. before cable TV, before the internet, before I had read translations of Irish Myth.
I felt like the naive savage with torn banner and garbled words - especially when first learning and performing ADF druid ritual with other people in front of all our collected kindred spirits.

Thats my memory of things
comforting and traumatic
he who swiftly travels
A very unique casts of individuals

struggles for turf
family affairs
Remaining Vigor

Saturday, July 2, 2022

talking timing texture training

 All of us conditioned from childhood to redirect irrational fear of the invisible monster of the dark.

The menacing sensation under the bed or in the closet, a spooky feeling that hid away from company.

Trained to disengage our personal imaginative capacity
 in favor of the interactive experience of being stimulated by another 

A physical form familiar orienting referencing reminding us that we exist in a shared circumstance.
A lateral perceptual experience of acknowledging the expressions of others in our surroundings.

shifting sensitivities self and service social/cultural telephones and toppings trades trauma
trust/trap                                                       territorial tension                   safety/security
 in Toledo at the time
finding parallels in the class-class relationship with school and work environment
coworkers and customers - the general public- the real thing-the big picture-events and activities
roles and relationships         

location staff management ownership traffic turnover 
public school or private franchise pizza there was a unique quality of place influence on people.
not the same as across the bridge in other parts of town
differences in the experiential atmosphere wrapped up with the process and product
a character of spirit
flavor in the recipe
unaccounted for

that with the combined rational professional analyses and reporting... 
that there is no supernatural Agencey or Destiney of things and places...
No Spirit or soul in stuff or time...

All aspects of individuation are an enhanced attribute byproduct of human imagination
coupling experience and activity associations

People and popularity are the perpetuators plainly presented
interpreting the actions of the world in social contracts of human understandings
us and them
property ownership the sense of belonging bought and paid for
familiarity with a sales receipt 
comfy blanket or nightlight protection to drive away perceived ill
collective fear is directed as distrust
with an exaggerated threat emphasized of an unseen stranger, cultural outsider
different or other persons with simplified or undeveloped moral/legal respect

fitting in, or social acceptance becomes the invisible monster of the individual imaginative interior.
Cultivated Life lessons about world view impact generations and populations behavior as a group
the people story sensationalized passed on as product to people proliferating and promoting progress
could convenient corporate control corrupt collective community consciences communication collapse
Climate of catastrophe as commodity
Labels - Name Brands-uniforms and menus are useful tools for fulfilling expectations between consumer and producer bringing more lawful legitimacy and credibility to the exchange of objects and services

The reverse seems to hold true as a generality
 for groupings of people+ spirits or gods over time and place.
Commercially, politicly, philosophically, spiritually, organically 
ALL are living growing changing beings.
Traditional self-identification in ways of being
 spooked by the glamor of the labor-saving device 
empowered lifestyle evolving marketing

Maybe people feel different about who they are and how they are expected to behave with their peers in the community, challenging authority claiming independence from the whole as presented in the past
engaging personal choice decision authority with the world
shifting sensitivities self and service social/cultural telephones and toppings trades trauma
Truley grateful for this blog practice of my personal pagan priestly work shared with the world at large
-the general public- and anything in between. Contradicting commerce and convention

a picture from a yearbook      and a place to honor kindred spirits 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

peer process program persuasion purpose parallels

                                                 (don't always pick the first to raise their hand!)

I overheard one of the other educators repeating the line 
from the organizations continuously updated program training manual
 while cleaning up and reviewing the day
my first of this season
 after the buses had pulled away.

I'm pretty sure it has been in the manual with context and explanation all along 
to give the organization its unique qualities character identity spirit soul.
I understand the reasoning and agree with the approach
 sometimes I struggle with aspect and application 
my personal abilities and the immediate situational response.

This season I identified with the excited hand in the air 
obvious awkward
enthusiastic responder who feels unrecognized.
I naturally feel an immediacy to question-answer ritualized activity and the truthfulness of it.
Life as quiz -game-puzzle
As a child unaware of the objective of moderating group activity
I would feel that something
disingenuous was taking place 
with the interaction and exchange
 of engagement and attention
of appreciation and respect

Teachers-students- classes -schooling seemed to involve mind reading 
Tuning in or tuning out to the expressions of other individuals' thoughts

Understanding being the goal of sincere compassionate communication,
Influence being the goal of that other non-poetic human manipulation tool.

Meanings Minds Memorys Motivations Multiplying Magical Metaphors

The patterns reproduced as framework of control over the environment of experience.

I began the season especially sensitive to all this teacher - student - class -school- feeling
having enrolled in a computer platform myself and My Son's finishing up at Bard.

The graduation ceremony held under a very large series of tall tents would not accept the gathered attendees until the required amount of time had passed since the last lightning event taking place.

The picturesque drama of the Hudson River School crossing with a dark dense thunderhead creeping out and over the storm front pushing through the Catskills
A place and time with company dreamlike profound and with purpose
conductive environment for commencement ceremony 
atmospheric activity
 electric discharge 
anticipated down pour
 waiting for the start

The Institutions campus grounds had its origin as a seminary turned co-ed liberal college 
Its president was once the youngest and now may be the oldest continuous sitting

This was not My Alma Mater where my druid thing started
This was the place my buddy Bill talked about in Jersey City post college nostalgia as

 We made regular seasonal ritual
Sacred opportunity for worship
Sacrifice for the Earth Mother and many others
what you might call Green Man Grove ADF
presumably a proto priesthood period for my person

My Wife -mother of the graduate was not part of any vision that I had received early on,
connected to prayers answered and sacred ritual since midsummer of ninety-nine
Grove organizer of Our Whole Grove protogrove ADF the whole time

 she was driving the car-had packed peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cookies, snacks, water and umbrellas

The back seat carried special guests, old friends,
the god father Frank - wearing my dad's jacket was unfamiliar with the school
My best man Lee worked played lived there and abouts - in his youth
knowing a place   filled up with places with spaces and places of their own

All voluntary relationships of mutual learning sharing and appreciation
People I have partied and played with
 prayed with 
Worked with struggled with
This Life Experience as perceived and pondered

personal peer perceptual projectors protectors proponents

Ritual Ceremony 2hours late 4 hours long,
Lots of Latin, packed in a crowd with uncomfortable chairs unreasonably close with the best view of the back of the persons head  sitting in front of you.
Funny because who ever sat behind me... saw me/knows me from the vantage point I am most unaware.
Observing the accomplishments of the many devoted and hard working souls
students structured and presented in parade viewed live or at an odd angle on wide screen above.

I got through it with the good company assembled 
My buddy Bill joining as we lined up to enter the tents slipping in and out of familiar ground/space.
My Wifes peanut butter and jelly keeping me from falling off my chair on to the guest of another graduate..
Eventually it was over,
The regimented formality of order
to give the organization its unique qualities character identity spirit soul.

From the perspective of My son and his peers
The last week was a mirror of their first week with the campus to themselves.
4 years later
It ends with your class dressing up in ritual garb
 lining up and waiting for your name to be called
to be recognized
after waiting your turn
and learning your place
with the characteristic imprint of that group bond/brand
moderated group activity/ experience
             was taking place 
with the interaction and exchange
 of engagement and attention
of appreciation and respect

Meanings Minds Memorys Motivations Multiplying Magical Metaphors

The patterns reproduced as framework of control over the environment of experience.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Krispy original vision

character context concept circumstance comradery 
 maybe as simple as caring

the opposite of nobody cares

everything cares

everything collections connections complexity 

nothing completely indifferent oblivious

the opposite polarity of the ever-present care world is neglect

caring coupled with kindness are commonly exchanged

 between subjects and objects of all shapes and forms

when there is no obvious benefit to the individual the behavior cannot be rationally explained

Friendly feedback loops feature as a repeated structural pattern of cycles and systems.







components in a moving body within a moving body

consequence curiosity crossing consciousness containment

nothing is static

nothing is singular

environmental constraints limit the activities and behaviors perceptions and functions of all



attention appreciation affection



caring coupled with kindness are commonly exchanged

 between subjects and objects of all shapes and forms

Monday, April 25, 2022

totipotent transmission tales


                                                     Behavior begins before the body
Aspects of character disposition spirit soul of individuals exist
in part before taking physical material form.
As fragments of the suns light
All things
energy traveling
piece of the old original
The King and the land are one.
Ecosystems direct the life cycles of inhabitants.
part of the new authentic
traveling energy
things All
moving between night and day
as we chose
as we grow
as we conceive
as we create
as we change

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

reconnecting ritually regularly respectfully recognizing reaching reacting reappearance response


Basically, a hollow tube with openings at either end for material from the outside to pass

through with symmetrical appendages to better interact and engage with surroundings.

Central to individualization is this axial turning at the center of being the endless process of feeding the fire within.

Life on earth is Kin to the original metamorphic traveling temporary tube father of flesh.

pondering the potential personhood of pollen as part of process 
that whole nature preserves novelty thing
conceptual catalyst creative complexity

Old time father death is the great connector of all the bodies of earth

We are generational beings that experience life force 
not in the shapes and forms of things as much as the way they behave

what moves?
what is it doing?

individuals and groups 
inside and out
bodies from bodies before bodies from bodies of before behaving

what moves?
temporary transient trigger trans dimensional tube telepathy teaching twirly
everything moves
reemergent regenerative vascular conduits and couplings
living with no pause or rewind control
just the ability to behave in the moving moment

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

culture is habitual human bias

 People pleasing is ingrained in human language and thought

Belief is the interpretation of meaning from experience, not the experience event as perceived.
Experience remembered and passed on to others has been disappearing in languages and landscapes.

Dominant culture more virulent than dominant traits biologically speaking

People more inclined to respond to artificial stimulation than natural phenomenon

Tending to avoid the unpleasant and ignore the uninteresting
 human expression is paired with popular acceptance

Things are valued or respected based upon their benefit to the human condition 

Shelter and sustenance social stylings learned survival language revival location lost

There is a human economic message contained within language use and learning/ teaching


Recording technology busted the sacred scribe literate trade monopoly of influence

Popular culture is contrasted with traditional culture

 production distribution circulation audience market sponsored commerce
words and meanings of a competing nobility of livestock and property ownership
carry with it directive information of distant generations to a future scenario of human understanding
a new definition of what it is to share, feel and respond, as a group


Human attention has never been directed so indirectly as by the participation in the glamorization of a good thing or false presentation of something to be other than it is
A human narrative style that imparts an inaccurate moral judgmental simplicity as entertainments 
or politics
and religions

a divide between how things are and how we are accustomed to make sense of things 
as people

Choice and the value of choosing are inherited cultural environments developing humans are conditioned and socialized by sometimes.
Choice may be the first human invention.
way before fire 
I would guess

Friday, March 11, 2022

nature does not lie

 Everything produces waste = All products of change

All metabolism is based upon the conversion of elements obtained from outside of the body

Breath and breathing have associations with soul and spirit

Crap and crapping have different associations and meanings

Painting portraits of viruses trying to imagine an existence without respiration or organs

A cunning container of code for replication of a large number of cunning code containers

Immobile inert particle essence of the previous generation from a different time and place

Activated by the living waters of another host cell

Moving with meaning

Springing into action

Purpose in replication

Opportunity generates generations

What changes with all the changing going on?

All organisms reproduce at a rate well beyond the ability of the environment to sustain them all.

Earth message over eons biological evolution is rude and real relationship with ALL life and death.



Friday, March 4, 2022

pattern framing transplanting meaning

change in surrounding conditions stimulate interior reordering 

moving parameters refocus information contained within waiting

reanimation is continuous and commonplace with compositions of spirits, bodies and others 

structurally related predispositions for responding behaviors and orientations undiscovered

context communicating subjective differentiation projective anticipation of participation

situational switches recombination sequences initiated upstream utilized by host machinery

predictive properties part of the personhood of all things great and small moving thru time

physical and non-physical-visible and invisible-intentional and unintentional- conductors are we

Thursday, February 10, 2022

unorthodox communication language magic

magical alphabets sacred incantations uncommon pronunciations weird sounds many voices

the vibration beneath the tone is the message from the breath returning to the world.

the sound is no longer possessed in potential by someone or thing but set free and made observable.

what is observed is determined by the qualities of the observer to feel the wave move through them.

special delivery


natural thought interrupters

a signal intensity ritual journey daydream buzzkill override attention grabber incoming information alert.

energy conductivity pathway 

The new Governor declared a state of emergency for Ulster County New York - radial ice up to half an inch thick accumulating on all surfaces.

The Tree's limbs are bowed down and curled over as if punched in the stomach covered in heavy ice with evenly spaced icicles hanging from the smallest twig tips

One small branch is outside my window bent and dangling to touch and rest upon the insulated electric line twisted around the high-tension steel cable connecting power from the road to my home.

Dazzling beautiful in the bright clear light of day refracting reflecting magnifying twinkling chandelier plumb bobs Fresnel lenses 

Bending light from bending branch amplified and directed to me personally with specific meaning and unconventional intensity delivery from the sun to my eyes and into my mind

hard to imagine how that mature limb of the old sugar maple could possibly be bent to the extreme it was by a natural phenomenon

easy to imagine how the load would break the limb and could pull the power line off the house dropping between the generator and the twin propane tanks that fuel it at the original entrance roadside of my old home.

I was powerless to do anything to protect my space, my border, my boundry- less than twenty feet up and out of my old front door.

hard not to stare at it in a strange, concentrated worry.

The image of the unfinished watercolor above is on the same size paper block mentioned in an earlier blog post titled age.

Icosahedral capsid is the second I have done in a similar spirit to the two other series on eight by ten inch one-hundred-and-forty-pound cold press cotton.

the first painting was finished before the storm, this was done just after the powerline was safe.

considering the self-assembly of protomers into aggregate forms called capsomeres

 considering the solar activity causing a geomagnetic storm affecting the temperature of the atmosphere one hundred and thirty miles up causing it to be denser than expected creating fifty% more drag on the satellites launched into orbit the day before

cytoplasmic streaming? The Waters of Life!

 steam the same distance away as me and most of the stuff here within that old front door 

came up from the city

 for more than twenty years 

but distance of space between things is measured not horizontally

but vertically

 challenging the trajectory and acceleration in the outer envelope of our collectively perceived boundry our body Earth something can happen in minutes, the Sun and Earth are that intimately linked- the distance doesn't matter

Essentially the polymorphous container holds within it the encoded adaptive information of responses to changing environmental conditions as experienced in past generations.

check the return address on our individuated protein envelopes see what I'm talking about

Friday, January 14, 2022

boundary between inside and out

 What information gets passed back and forth and what meaning is found
 within the

minds and actions of the things I share this world with?

Significant improbable overflow of natural and artificial threshold markers clay pot ash circle
alignments temporal and spiritual safety cone borrowed and placed after the driveway was re-done a few years ago the crushed stone hauled up the mountain by truck dumped and leveled with the hope that the concealed drain would lure the emergent mountain spring flow away from my home and out to the road preventing the seasonal manifestation of a growing moving ice sheet sliding down over the stairs to deck and door.

Singular access to interior
    territorial enclosure stone wall ditch and road the not dead but dying in the middle 

Dynamic equilibrium moving critical balance horizontal enter- exit to my place periphery of my zone of control the extent of my private space beyond which the perturbations of outside nonlocal stimulation is internalized and adjusted for accommodating adaptive change and anticipating future opportunity limits

directive dualistic determine door decision
discovery             -                    distraction
desire                  -                    disgust
retroactive attention causal extra sensory sensitivity extending and judging the novelty outside perceptual field and before individual memory recall passively triggered acquired nonexperiential wisdom 

all things are responsive to environmental change
Life has this as a common inherited quality
variations of the theme over time branching developing learning
making the most from what is available

The image at the top of this blog post taken with my wife's phone this Boxing Day just passed.
One of a number of moving images of the twisting mink that would not transfer to this place.
The short video from my wife's phone appears in an untitled post from a location between that above 
and The Brighid shrine and pole idol at the brook that runs through this special place I was brought to.

The Idol was carved years before I dared envision this place of my dreams
This goddess was new to me - as was sharing polytheist pagan worship as public expression
A beginning relationship
A bringing relationship
A building relationship
A benevolent relationship
A persona introduced to me by people in person
Awareness of a presence that is transpersonal nonhuman identity associated with special things, places, activities and times.
Part of a family that is part of a larger community of other beings that people believe exist here and now as well as there and then or the legendary mythic there and then is somehow interconnected with contemporary exchange of blessing and recipricosity between multiple beings in multiple worlds.

I carved the idol in Jersey City from the impression I had received from the subject after a number of years of formal study and worship in ADF.
Not My first representation of the Goddess Brighid~~~~~
most challenging to have a static object embody the character of such a responsive dynamic essence.
ADF was off to a wise start in not claiming ownership of Brighid or any other gods and goddesses as unique to their religion.

A religion that doesn't boast about exclusive original arrangements with the best is hard to find.

Allowing Me to discover what a Goddess or God is for myself.

I was influenced by other people in and out of ADF and the practice of the offering to a spirit of inspiration-Brighid after the gatekeeper-Manannan

I believe the flow of water thinly meandering over the porous stone in the sun light is an energetic exchange between worlds that can be fully sensed.
It can be smelled from a distance, as well as heard and seen. Touch and taste are particularly stimulated
sensitivities to temperature and texture.
Life connection complexity generator++++
Water empowered to carry particles of matter dissolved salts and gasses churned through glacial till at just the right angle and speed are a naturally occurring biological accelerator and accumulator in infancy.
with this sense we find the human idea of " fresh " as in the springtime or spring water.
The Brighid Idol is upstream of the Manannan shrine at the end of my property both established immediately after offerings and omens of acceptance over twenty years ago.

The two Gods are guides that brought me to where I am. providing the framework of understanding necessary for my discovery of world view and personal space along with spiritual growth. 
Borders are limits between spaces contained in subjects or objects, often this is found in the responses of one thing to another, commonly two previously undiscovered things are the root cause of a known emergent phenomenon. Reactive Perseptive fields outside and inside of bodies polarized front to end.

Gentle regular well-meaning appreciation and respect are part of devotional ritual practice
People sharing that with people is the current proceeding...
 taking up where others have left off.
It is not a big deal as much as a habit of observation
you don't have to get carried away with it,
you just have to carry it on at a personal pace
regular low intensity attention affection stimulation
inside and out ~ up and down ~ back and forth ~side to side
lots of little circles