Saturday, July 2, 2022

talking timing texture training

 All of us conditioned from childhood to redirect irrational fear of the invisible monster of the dark.

The menacing sensation under the bed or in the closet, a spooky feeling that hid away from company.

Trained to disengage our personal imaginative capacity
 in favor of the interactive experience of being stimulated by another 

A physical form familiar orienting referencing reminding us that we exist in a shared circumstance.
A lateral perceptual experience of acknowledging the expressions of others in our surroundings.

shifting sensitivities self and service social/cultural telephones and toppings trades trauma
trust/trap                                                       territorial tension                   safety/security
 in Toledo at the time
finding parallels in the class-class relationship with school and work environment
coworkers and customers - the general public- the real thing-the big picture-events and activities
roles and relationships         

location staff management ownership traffic turnover 
public school or private franchise pizza there was a unique quality of place influence on people.
not the same as across the bridge in other parts of town
differences in the experiential atmosphere wrapped up with the process and product
a character of spirit
flavor in the recipe
unaccounted for

that with the combined rational professional analyses and reporting... 
that there is no supernatural Agencey or Destiney of things and places...
No Spirit or soul in stuff or time...

All aspects of individuation are an enhanced attribute byproduct of human imagination
coupling experience and activity associations

People and popularity are the perpetuators plainly presented
interpreting the actions of the world in social contracts of human understandings
us and them
property ownership the sense of belonging bought and paid for
familiarity with a sales receipt 
comfy blanket or nightlight protection to drive away perceived ill
collective fear is directed as distrust
with an exaggerated threat emphasized of an unseen stranger, cultural outsider
different or other persons with simplified or undeveloped moral/legal respect

fitting in, or social acceptance becomes the invisible monster of the individual imaginative interior.
Cultivated Life lessons about world view impact generations and populations behavior as a group
the people story sensationalized passed on as product to people proliferating and promoting progress
could convenient corporate control corrupt collective community consciences communication collapse
Climate of catastrophe as commodity
Labels - Name Brands-uniforms and menus are useful tools for fulfilling expectations between consumer and producer bringing more lawful legitimacy and credibility to the exchange of objects and services

The reverse seems to hold true as a generality
 for groupings of people+ spirits or gods over time and place.
Commercially, politicly, philosophically, spiritually, organically 
ALL are living growing changing beings.
Traditional self-identification in ways of being
 spooked by the glamor of the labor-saving device 
empowered lifestyle evolving marketing

Maybe people feel different about who they are and how they are expected to behave with their peers in the community, challenging authority claiming independence from the whole as presented in the past
engaging personal choice decision authority with the world
shifting sensitivities self and service social/cultural telephones and toppings trades trauma
Truley grateful for this blog practice of my personal pagan priestly work shared with the world at large
-the general public- and anything in between. Contradicting commerce and convention

a picture from a yearbook      and a place to honor kindred spirits