Thursday, January 12, 2023

more to this world than just this world

 It is nice to think of Earth centered Religion as something vast and solid-

ancient and complete-

but it isn't.

more to this life than this life

more to individual experience than awareness

part of something bigger

part of interacting relationships with other subjects objects and conditions as perceived or felt.

a temporary physical presence manifesting in a field of time and space with you as occupant.

more to personal struggle than person
more to individual suffering than the individual
more to work than just work.
more to loss than just loss
more to change than just change.
more to repetition
more to vibration
more to magic

more to the journey than the destination

Book centered Religion is the root medium =spawning reproduced carriers of symbolic information
                                                like this blog

more to this blog than just this blog
more to my sketchbook than my sketchbook

At a zoom session clergy retreat workshop chat the book was put on my radar.
Only now have I the technology to purchase a published title used at best price and have it delivered with digital cash.
I Love Books as inspirational empathic pathways stimulating, transforming records of literate effort.

Thing made by people,
 with a spirit of their own.
quality of characters and composition,
 elements of unique style, some kind of binding paperback or hardcover
a crafted object to hold care and caring of its contents.

beyond fixed destiny or simple fate, a less literal interpretative guide-

It may be written in the stars.
or word of mouth
Executive Function
Relationship with responsibility and accountability for the willful direction of action and activities within the boundary of the body or realm.
sacred sovereignty symbolized as radial extensions of authoritative territory.
Lord and master
personal judgement individual autonomy self-control
coupled with the wellbeing/ prosperity of that in your charge.
a crafted object to hold care and caring of its contents.
Intelligent decider the top of our core
Witness to experience world within our world within
Structural order in anatomical hierarchy
Place where the senses come together.
Suspended in an acoustic resonator.
more to head identity than identifying with heads.
shapes and representations finding meaning.
the star on the tree or goodies on my lap.
associations created; connections being made actively.
the hub of the wheel turns on the upright spindle attached but not fixed in position.
cosmic axis canopy sphenoid syncretic symbiotic salience 
you can't catch me - I'm the gingerbread man.
more to reading and writing than just reading and writing.