Friday, January 14, 2022

boundary between inside and out

 What information gets passed back and forth and what meaning is found
 within the

minds and actions of the things I share this world with?

Significant improbable overflow of natural and artificial threshold markers clay pot ash circle
alignments temporal and spiritual safety cone borrowed and placed after the driveway was re-done a few years ago the crushed stone hauled up the mountain by truck dumped and leveled with the hope that the concealed drain would lure the emergent mountain spring flow away from my home and out to the road preventing the seasonal manifestation of a growing moving ice sheet sliding down over the stairs to deck and door.

Singular access to interior
    territorial enclosure stone wall ditch and road the not dead but dying in the middle 

Dynamic equilibrium moving critical balance horizontal enter- exit to my place periphery of my zone of control the extent of my private space beyond which the perturbations of outside nonlocal stimulation is internalized and adjusted for accommodating adaptive change and anticipating future opportunity limits

directive dualistic determine door decision
discovery             -                    distraction
desire                  -                    disgust
retroactive attention causal extra sensory sensitivity extending and judging the novelty outside perceptual field and before individual memory recall passively triggered acquired nonexperiential wisdom 

all things are responsive to environmental change
Life has this as a common inherited quality
variations of the theme over time branching developing learning
making the most from what is available

The image at the top of this blog post taken with my wife's phone this Boxing Day just passed.
One of a number of moving images of the twisting mink that would not transfer to this place.
The short video from my wife's phone appears in an untitled post from a location between that above 
and The Brighid shrine and pole idol at the brook that runs through this special place I was brought to.

The Idol was carved years before I dared envision this place of my dreams
This goddess was new to me - as was sharing polytheist pagan worship as public expression
A beginning relationship
A bringing relationship
A building relationship
A benevolent relationship
A persona introduced to me by people in person
Awareness of a presence that is transpersonal nonhuman identity associated with special things, places, activities and times.
Part of a family that is part of a larger community of other beings that people believe exist here and now as well as there and then or the legendary mythic there and then is somehow interconnected with contemporary exchange of blessing and recipricosity between multiple beings in multiple worlds.

I carved the idol in Jersey City from the impression I had received from the subject after a number of years of formal study and worship in ADF.
Not My first representation of the Goddess Brighid~~~~~
most challenging to have a static object embody the character of such a responsive dynamic essence.
ADF was off to a wise start in not claiming ownership of Brighid or any other gods and goddesses as unique to their religion.

A religion that doesn't boast about exclusive original arrangements with the best is hard to find.

Allowing Me to discover what a Goddess or God is for myself.

I was influenced by other people in and out of ADF and the practice of the offering to a spirit of inspiration-Brighid after the gatekeeper-Manannan

I believe the flow of water thinly meandering over the porous stone in the sun light is an energetic exchange between worlds that can be fully sensed.
It can be smelled from a distance, as well as heard and seen. Touch and taste are particularly stimulated
sensitivities to temperature and texture.
Life connection complexity generator++++
Water empowered to carry particles of matter dissolved salts and gasses churned through glacial till at just the right angle and speed are a naturally occurring biological accelerator and accumulator in infancy.
with this sense we find the human idea of " fresh " as in the springtime or spring water.
The Brighid Idol is upstream of the Manannan shrine at the end of my property both established immediately after offerings and omens of acceptance over twenty years ago.

The two Gods are guides that brought me to where I am. providing the framework of understanding necessary for my discovery of world view and personal space along with spiritual growth. 
Borders are limits between spaces contained in subjects or objects, often this is found in the responses of one thing to another, commonly two previously undiscovered things are the root cause of a known emergent phenomenon. Reactive Perseptive fields outside and inside of bodies polarized front to end.

Gentle regular well-meaning appreciation and respect are part of devotional ritual practice
People sharing that with people is the current proceeding...
 taking up where others have left off.
It is not a big deal as much as a habit of observation
you don't have to get carried away with it,
you just have to carry it on at a personal pace
regular low intensity attention affection stimulation
inside and out ~ up and down ~ back and forth ~side to side
lots of little circles