Thursday, September 22, 2022

something found in the translation


My memory was in error in my last blog post when I suggested that Ernmas mother of Eriu and the Morrhigan was a widow of the Fir Bolg King.
she is Tuatha De all the way, I think - I Think? I was thinking of Tlaitu, Lugh's foster mother.
                                                       I Think
I did not check my story details as it was part of a sacred magical tradition memory game ~~~
while the Star Trek episode was specifically referenced in detail online from a few different web sites.

The Imaginative process is an exercise in mind powers, psychic abilities, out of body experience, dream travel, as well as empathetic understanding and spiritual intercourse.

Observation and recognition are often portrayed as the most human- sacred-smart process fixed on subjects and objects, measurements references and records

 yet reaction to changes in surroundings is the basic survival function of all life, even those without observable anatomical senses or nervous systems.
Somehow there is an environmental awareness of the surroundings that affects the behavior choices or options of all individuals compounded and accelerated in groups and groupings influencing attention.
                                                           We Feel
                                                  maybe everything feels 
Viewing habits are part of a stimulation of appetite for entertainment, safety, socialization, sacred stuff.

The comfort and action narrative and the internal identification/ perception shift that takes place among those witnessing or engaging and participating as relevant to Life Experience, wisdom or mind snack.
cultural currents crossover with cult developments contemporary and ancient.
 what is notable, popular, the structures forms relating the inside with the outside. 
From fixed stories corresponding to constellations of the changing night sky of the Proto Pagan Past
to Broadcast Network Executives comparing ratings of competing programing in a weekly time slot.

 characters and conflict combined with meaning repeated when they return to view.
                                               STAR SHINE
                                                projected imagery
most distant and untouchable yet accessible available and very real to all who witness it

                      the vigor remains                 Idolatry as a process of adoration,

                   not the object itself but the ideas and practices of the worshippers

  the depiction transferring information                transforming the viewers
fans, followers, groupies, devotees, zealots- shrines, temples, festivals, conventions, pilgrimages, 
                                          THE PERPETUAL NOTION MACHINE