Sacrifices made and witnessed
I painted the picture above before the studio tour was to take place back about ninety-six.
As an exhibitor in an Artist studio tour at One Eleven this is how I self-Identified with community.
Self-portrait as side show oddity
Although I am in a much different place now and am much older there is something that is me still.
clever-stupid juggling discovery surprise experience expression creation compulsion curiosity
The Fool or sacred Clown is a big influence with my teaching communicating understanding flow.
It is a feeling
a funny feeling
part of me that is beyond my personal control yet emerges from my controlled personal work
Part of me or my process before priesthood was part of my pagan picture
I had built up big city experience big time contributing as an individual in group efforts
particularly prominent the portfolio produced for promoting ADF publishing presence publicly.
The Druids' Progress was rebranded Oak Leaves
I was no longer the chief artificer the rebranded study program had elected guild chiefs from within a qualified membership of those that have completed the dedicant program to proceed with study in ADF.
My father was alive then,
I never dreamed I would have the opportunity to be a father myself
when the twin towers were still standing, and I was on the other side of the Hudson River living.
A weird time stamp association loop of the yule ritual on my own
after hosting and accommodating so many others with my effort and work in roles
I dreamed of interacting with kindred spirits with beneficial and benevolent intention
The Waters holding Blessing in ways that I didn't expect acting in ways we cannot imagine
I am thankful for ADF priest hood as the focus and reference for this my blog.
A symbol of my involvement over the years
I express myself more directly and intimately here than on any E-list or review form submitted
It is a good thing to share continuing education
Last Year I was gifted with a review from the clergy council, the Arch Druid wrote me back.
Rev. Jean "Drum" Pagano
Personally thankful to that particular person for keeping myself and my wife, grove organizer
of " Our Whole Grove " Proto grove of ADF part of the scene.
It is a good thing to document inspirational pathways
Last Year I was excited by the work of author Stephen Harrod Buhner, who has recently passed.
Personally grateful for that particular persons' publications pursuits as linkage to my hungry mind.
It is a good thing to exercise intuition and imagination
This Year ending, I have enjoyed and learned much from living Teacher's computer classes
John Beaulieu ND, PHD " BIOSONICS"
web site connections part of my branching tree and inner core it seems
Life is a workout- metaphysical fitness training involves discipline and effort of some degree
Primary principal of truth to self involves recognizing the personal stretch in playing the role of priest or painter
teacher or student
telepath or blogger
the regular applied practice is preventative medicine and spiritual sampling technique
collecting arranging displaying recording reviewing reimagining reengaging recreating
keeping up an inner balance and flow from finding something special in shit around you.
when you appreciate that it is special with feelings of its own about what is special
the turds point of view is not empathetic anthropomorphic conjecture on our part
although it may feel that way to us
because we project a value of benefit of substance or form in service of need or pursuit of profit as resource.
Crap is not an individuated body with crown or consciousness but what remains of digested organic matter that came out of the other end of something that did
a sampling of living and nonliving animal vegetable mineral potential in existence without our blessing permission or request
it was left behind by something alive a legacy of past struggle, attention, sacrifice, effort
it does not require our explanation or reason for being
it does not contain a singular will or essence in a concrete active way any longer
it does contain hope and food for small things that have learned to count on that shit for a living.
what do they get excited about- what do they long to behold
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Behold! the Waters of Life!!!
see the finished version of the painting below, inspired by Earrach of Pittsburgh's post
OSTARA-OSTSHMARRA! in his Blog -The Book of Sassafras- might be on the cover of
Issue 100 of OAK LEAVES spring 2023