People teach fear.
People teach blame.
fear of what is not in our control.
fear of what is wild and untamed..
People glorify domestication, artistic expression,technological advances,industrial commercial market exploitation.
People teach that you can not proceed forward without future revenue projections responsibly.
People teach dependence on artificial systems and manufactured specialization.
People teach competitive sport, cultural and societal rule and morality.singular responsibility
People teach good - bad= life- death=right-wrong=winner-loser=happy- sad=sharp - dull-on=off.
certainty - uncertainty
civil -hostile
People employ metaphors and use symbols to exchange information and speculate on the success or failure of the imagined productivity of various spaces or beings contained therein.
People own things for amusement and self benefit - believing that as a possession it is possessed and empowered by the will of its master..
People reaffirm and recognize their own value judgement as to how things are expected to behave,
when they are not working right, broken,sick, worthless or unwanted.
Private property is not seen to have its own free will and destiny, its own life and reason for being.
A border and boundary both physical and metaphysical that exist in peoples minds,
any other occupier of claimed space are trespassers.
Material substance is a thing people can touch hold and identify with in a life experience that is moving and changing with time.
Things become references, reminders, relationships that add a sense of permanence and purpose to peoples lives and livelihood.
Spirit in stuff People love stuff Love in stuff Stuff of love
Affections and appreciations for inanimate objects and animate life forms, living in the past present and future!
People can be gentle and considerate in Interactions with other things
respect spirit- unrecognized autonomy- individual potential - Life force
bursting forth on the scene
emerging from a hide away within
coming back around
again unaware