Saturday, October 22, 2022

locus-focus ~ hocus-pocus

Special effort is involved in entering and exiting sacred space.

Simultaneously interior and exterior perception is adjusted, awareness is altered.

An exceptional dimension of possibility and opportunity exist in the uncommon non- standard time .

A Place that we are not actively engaged in regular activity,

 a  temporary truce on conflicts ongoing and individual affairs.

what we carry with us into ritual space,
what we hope to clean away  before we enter,
what we offer in word - action - substance  - thought or feeling

A special time and place where wishes can come true
hopes can be found
prayers can be answered
A conductive current between worlds
An exchange that is taking place
That has taken place
That will take place
That is certain

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

wondering wisps of wafts within wafts

 to extend a kindness to another by word actions thought and other ways 

many and various are the agents of blessing over time and places witnessed

too many to get all the names or the pronunciation correct

 often too fleeting to notice at the time

the point is not the source of blessings recognition,

 but acknowledging blessing as life/death process entanglement

 gestures of greeting and farewell aid in developing understandings of shared existence

a repeated ritual

a sampling of attitude and demeaner 

a friend detector and friend developing technique

in the company of others

favorite companions, kindred spirits, comfortable relationships

a sense of something special shared coupled with circumstance-environmental pressures of the time.

Allies and alignments are aspects of attraction 

part of a polarity symmetry pattern we are suspended in

the distance between front and back - top and bottom

a recognition of others essential character's identifiable qualities are not found in their form and appearance

but in the way they behave, their movements and actions speak to their positive or negative reactions to interacting with an energetically charged environment

fluctuating currents transitional material occupying space in the company of others 

a sampling of attitude and trajectory, heading and bearing, time and temperature 

a repeated ritual of questioning and observing that charts the float and drift of feeling

in a world that is full of beings that perceive the world differently

insensitive to value scale proportion perspective composition of others likes and dislikes.

indifferent to company or surroundings and the effects of their actions upon others.

unkind and cruel behavior, hurtful action and mean spirit are part of the play book for some.

repulsion is a spirit guide, a reactive quality somewhere within part of natural threat awareness.

Enemies and vilification are not dominated by the intuitive dichotomy of good-bad and the imaginative capacity of the individual

social magnification and amplification structurally assert expertise in cult of fear and its management

and maintenance

targeting hostility, blaming,punishing,cursing are popularly driven but expertly directed learned behaviors as well as group stress trigger responses.

the distance between coming together to honor shared blessing and running away from persecution is

not measurable

but the movement is reflective of some kind of binary coupling that makes up a whole adrift in space.