Monday, August 26, 2024

unforeseen forms of symmetry


forecasts leave trails

dreams have memories

imagination is collective

My sketch book/ journal is getting close to filling up.
I observe a repeated word,
stochastic resonance
stochastic foraging
bookended with notes, drawings, doodles and omens.

predictive modelling proliferates with popularity of its users' desires for answers.
the dominant process is for correctness and certainty with a bias for a deterministic, mechanistic, reductionist rational, reproducible binary results.

controlled conditions are a way of excluding variables limiting information, focusing attention and defining subject/object experiment/ test parameters boundaries.
sacred space with special rules within a selected time

intention is so extreme as to seek to purify or purge the unintentional from existence.
a created environmental representation- a cultural construction of relationships and associations,

an authorized legitimate experience sensation in a goal oriented linear reality box. 

 " An internal assumptive world"

I found described in the words of Stephen Harrod Buhner as I finish his last book.

individuated perception and attention reflective and refractive of sensory information coupled with feeling giving rise to meaning, awareness of the many that we share this world and this life with.
comparing and contrasting are the tools of observation and learning to think outside of the box and feel outside of the box, to love boxes their contents and the spaces between them.

personhood is part of patterns overlapping-energies in motion.
it is not the possession of the container or box.
it is not private.
or a blog

stalking the mysteries
kleptoparasites of the somatic elixir
within a place that is itself aware, intelligent, imaginative and emotional.