Saturday, June 10, 2017

upward mobility ,achievement progress

observational awareness
 directional sense of where you are at -- where you have been
seeking to better the condition
improve upon the situation
perception and vantage point

I was reminded of the ( Kiss principal ), " keep it simple stupid "by the original Arch-Druid of the organized religious group he had founded, when I last saw Him, as He was living his last.

That was some time ago.
I knew him some time before that.

Group and Grouping
Perhaps the essential directive, in the habit,  of Neo Pagan Druid Ritual,
 that I have chosen to associate with over the years,
 is one of sharing and display of respect and appreciation,
We do not have to do it.

We Like to do it,    it brings us closer


A group formation or shape based on function,
 inspiration as opposed to obligation.
It is not about requirements,or being made to conform in word , action ,belief or understanding.
It is not about gathering in a singularity of rightness or truth and purpose.
 It is not about Domination.
It is not about membership.
.It is not about certainty.
Ownership or control.
Comparative competition,responsibility ,ranking or privilege 
Seeking institutional  recognition of superiority, advantage is not the way to encourage group

 Safety and entrapment

The Way Out



Free to care,  to focus attention and love,

 Free to come and go.

Voluntary Contribution
Gift - Sacrifice- offering