Friday, February 22, 2019

does diametric determinism dominate discourse directing developed divisive disposition dynamic dilemmas?

If memory and imagination are the spiritual connective tissue - conductive pathway.....
 and passion - feeling,  make up the volume and substance of the body its' flow,
currents tides, things that pull at you unseen.....
The atmospheric  pressure, and contents we respond to.

Has the asking of, " choose a favorite! " been elevated to sacred duty? reason for being?
 socially accepted, corporately promoted appreciated,expected.

But is it really an expression of free will and agency of individual sense of right action to contribute to a popularity contest that promotes factionalism and polarization?
this is the reward? this is the cost?of acceptance? of recognition?

Is the encouragement of models of political theory an example of social cohesion or social coercion?
Are the spectacles of witnessing struggle of competition related to social aggression?
Predatory behavior a perceptual prioritizing,
 a justification for psychic violence and physical brutality, the harming or disturbing-defeating, killing, ending and erasing of another.

How much is the challenging of ideas, criticism of projects,review of procedures supportive for a aggressively counter productive opposition and confrontation between and within.
Environmental standards of group behavior:


is there a split in group behavior ( shape )  based around

  ?comfort access - safe space ~~~~ way out - adventure novelty?

Disengagement is not just a phenomenon of the individual and social awareness ,
A  proto-instinctual impulse exists that seeks to distance " things" from threat  and harm.
 Inter species - inter generational guardian angels involved with the preservation and well being of the young things that don't know any better.
All creatures great and small have spiritual assistance with " being" .
Survival is not the invention of a individual .
Survival spirit helpers set the stage in a symbiotic sail - surf - slide through life/death experience.
The relationship preexists with or without the knowledge awareness or consent of entities known or yet to be discovered.