Surprised to find myself referenced in a published book that I had no knowledge of.
Purchased used, on- line ,
it arrived on Earth Day.
I am identified as the Chief Artificer , designer of the Druid Nematon ,
on the very same page number that matches ,
My ADF membership ID#?
Published the year that I had began a relationship with My Own Property.
The books subtitle," Contemporary Pagans and the Search for Community"!
My words first written by the, "News from the Mother Grove" editor, and placed in the context of a larger narrative work by a Language Artist unknown to Me, a few Years later.
My concept of Sacred Space is a place that is cut off and made separate and special,
different from normal use and activity,
unusual in that ease and accessibility, function and utility are questioned by the unobservant.
Little makes sense and is obvious, odd home of the others, out of the way or hidden.
carefully approached, respectfully entered, realm of mystery and wonder.
Exclusive container - Sacred enclosure
not the place for normal dealings ,with normal beings.
It can not be a space for any body and everybody to do anything at.
Where is the normal Human Garbage from occupying the space?
The Priestly task of cleaning and clearing,
precedes any ritual presentation and depositing of offerings,
in the creation and maintenance of Sacred Space .
It is not the hosting and facilitating of gathered group worship.
It is not the control of directors and programs,counsels or committees.
It is not subject to our rule,
It is not object of our possession.
The Book was published a couple years after My Wife and I were Married Mid Summer with community, now twenty Years passed....
no longer a Senior Druid of an ADF grove,
a Year before I was to become an ADF Priest .
My work, My Sacrifice, My Art of Sacred Space applied at a new Home,
growing into a fraction of what is recorded above,
The extended family, of interaction ,of playful arrangement and composition appreciation;
an awareness of environment surroundings.
Belonging is not in membership, but being contained within.