Tuesday, November 16, 2021

ever lasts for something

Nothing disappears completely

 Entropy and inertia

Everything comes from something


It seems as though the primary regenerative binary coupling that instigates autonomous equilibrium and individualization are summarized in the concepts of,

Guest            ====--------=====          Host

If one thinks of the body as the host it needs the guests of breathing, food and drink to move through the process it facilitates structurally.

Active exchange and interaction with vital elements that exist outside of the form of the self organized being are essential in maintaining homeostasis.

This is what it means to be animated, to move , to live,

A world  within that has specifically unique fluids, solids and gasses behaving in ways that sustain the operation of the living body.

These forms of fluids gasses and solids do not exist or behave in the outside world as they do in the countless individual living breathing things with specific nutritional / conditional needs contained in anatomical structure.

 Physical systems are interior dimensional environmental control.

 Bubbles with individual pressure and temperature with unique responses to energetic stimulations.

Failing to interact and exchange with the outside world, ( sensed or not ) is suffocation and starvation.

A collapse in self regulation

Nature has provided the same ability to all 

constant consistent repetitious rhythmic



take in============let go


Breathing is gradual and immediate,     adjustment adaptation acclimation 


Awareness , consciousness, memory , attention is not required of the guest

food drink safe shelter and a place to rest

The Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel is an Irish story that predates ADF , or My involvement with ADF.

It is a prominent continuance in resonant response over great difference in time space translation altering sensitivities dormant in my spiritual interior concurrent with vocalizations and actions as well as feelings associated with Voice and hosting friendly community worship experience  with what I had learned  and gathered from ADF, facilitating ritual blessing practice in the formation of a druid grove and illustrating a serial comic for the grove newsletter  predating My priestly recognition by the organization is this old story about the most accommodating place in the realm and the sacred king who seeks shelter and finds death there because he had broken the promises he had made to the spirits to generate fruitful bounty and abundance by keeping a just and equal peace by sparing his beloved but guilty foster brothers from execution and bending the law to exile them beyond, cast out to sea they encounter and make a deal with  a fierce one eyed pirate from Albu forcing them to aide in the killing of his own parents in his home realm and then turning to the former territory of the exiled foster brothers to destroy something as payment for sparing their lives and joining in agreement to provide a place owed to the fierce one eyed pirate as a fitting destruction betraying all that was good in a outlaw obligation they spy upon their target before attacking describing location surroundings intersecting water ways and roads the numbers of chariots and horses around the great structure itself with many faces and doors with a huge central fire hall that when lit was seen far and wide allowing for a detailed description of the interior its many rooms the occupants their possessions attire and vocation are delivered rhythmically by the spy asking for an analysis  at each step it is made clear how great  the assembly of great and strange things gathered in this noble place was and how tragic and costly the attack would be suggesting a different target to be overruled by the threatened curse of the one eyed pirate demanding his due and the exiled foster brothers oath bound outlaw honor to this horrible task which proceeds to the next spy view description followed by the interpretive analysis with its suggestion  of how tragic and costly overruled with a threatened curse till coming to a conclusion with the beginning of the attack with the interpreter being decapitated going in and out of the great gate a number of times at the onset of the first wave of attacks on the encircled Hostel just as he predicted the intelligence was correct and our sacred king had seen clear evidence of the degraded and eroding  relationship between structure order and balance between behavior and the landscape made explicit in his contract with the spirits predating his kingly recognition every omen and sign along the way had led him to a place and time that was understood to be his end foreshadowed in dream sending his champion and ultimate defense outside of the besieged hostel to fetch him a drink of water only to find that everything is dry till completing a circuit around and returning to a flaming ruin and a decapitated sacred king  who when given his drink sings praise to his champions execution of his command

What remains of a glazed apple turnover that did not make it into my mouth as intended but fell into my safety belt buckled lap while eating in the car.

It is strangely personal what we put into our person

How things end up, what is really taking place when we thirst and crave with a taste

 Our boundaries of awareness linked with a sense of preference and presence internalizing 

attracted to

Substance that is made up of the life energy spirit direction of other things arranged and prepared by yet others inspired by yet others in a complex fabric of control and creation that keeps us all going

Part of what I have picked up along the journey is that when I treat things as something special they respond to me  in a special way.

nourished by

making friends and learning lessons

What sticks around from the interactions its frequency and regularity effects sensitivity and attention

Feelings perceived or imagined are the medium of communication of immediate response followed by memory and reflection.     

 Thoughtfulness or logic may never come into play,

 but kindness and extending basic comfort always does.

continuance in generous benevolent attitude that is messy and leaves a lot of crumbs all around

nothing is empty                                                            nothing is original

Obsessing on biggest best personal exclusive on demand service is not healthy neopagan directive

Spiritually digesting the inspiration from respiration and expiration with perspiration and motivation.

Keep it real look at it deeper closer longer than you normally allow yourself to  and you will discover a level of understanding,( backstory)of the subject and objects circulating in immediate specific proximity to the observer- speculation as to actions and relations over time - develop not by the unique talents of the individual imagination but are a active body composed of the detritus of previous lives

                                                                              Guest - Host.