Thursday, August 31, 2017

passing child of earth and sun

My Wife texted Me while commuting, of  the move from Hospital to Hospice, of My Friend,
 before I posted last to this blog, Hoping he might see it.

My Wife insisted that I repeat back to her the tarot card reading  I had shared with her earlier, that I had written in my sketch book/ journal the day before, from the first reading of a new "Tarot of Druids" deck I picked up on a college tour with  My Son.

My Wife was sending the reading to the Wife of My Friend, also a reader.
Apparently, He passed as I was going through the layout, the cards their position and meaning, not to worry about my wrong Irish name spelling for now etc.
The Seven of Cups,described as,inspiration- artistic success - desire to start over , the final card.

My Wife and I were going to pick up ceramic supplies and get three paintings and a print from a show that closed on My Son's birthday.
We had time to spare so we looked at the "hand made paint" studio and store next to the ceramic supply.
I bought a tube of oil paint labeled "Bohemian Green Earth."
My Wife was commenting about the special place that we went to dine next to the Rondout,
The Out of the Hospital restaurant.

My Wife received a text to call, when She checked her phone, after we had ordered the cold seafood  sampler and a couple of soups, I found out My Friend had died before the waitress came back.
We fed many hungry cute little sparrows with bread and oyster crackers in the outside dining area.

We were fortunate to spot a friend and gallerist of the Gallery we were going to, having dinner in the window of another storefront restaurant.
After picking up My four pieces we picked up some groceries,
I got a 2018 Almanac.
My Wife picked up a book from a free book table the library set up at the grocery store sliding door,
" THE TIMETABLES OF HISTORY, a horizontal linkage of people and events"

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

chronicling crepuscular comunications clairvoyant

A photo of my Son operating a prop time machine I made for his seventh grade play --- years ago.

There is something magic in presentation, exhibition and display.
something sacred in honoring contribution and collective collaborative creativity.
micro community creation
crafting communicative cultural conduits

special occasions
trans formative events

photos I had my Son take a few days ago,  maybe a week,
 of  the moss and micro mushrooms,
 under the miniature maple,  I planted many,  maybe five years ago,  maybe more.

The moss and lichen recently placed, the fruiting fungus a momentary manifestation of the hidden.
arrangement, composition unrevealed.

My personal pagan publishing print past part product paralysis, part paradigm prognosis.
courting commonality continuously creating club calendars of classes, celebrations,
Not part of the micro community hosting My Son has come to associate with those who gather for holiday ritual at his home,
 throughout his life,
 that was the partial back story of his parents pagan pairing,

The photos were taken with a hand held touch screen, wireless internet connected computerized communications devise that has been a significant presence in the environment of the times.

complex unseen relationships amidst the various developing beings that inhabit a given space at a given time,
the strange influence they have on one another, responding reacting growing.
playing with focus and attention, awareness and feeling.
What we share- how we share
common causes, crusades, missions, projects, rituals

creating an opportunity, an environment that encourages radiant expression,
What comes out of us.....  
a sharing of the shining -   Thankfulness,  Blessing   -  group core focus- Praise Gratitude
 the intent of fostering the undeveloped potential of individual talent by
the empowerment of the participant within the group
 consistent clever care company
An appeal to the  belief in the occasional unexpected connection to genius .

Before social media, before becoming a Father, before moving away from the micro community I had spawned,My Spirit was fed by the thoughts shared in a Grove newsletter, thoughts I would often share at holiday with those I was gathering with.
Beneath the Trees ended, but the Book of Sassafras began.

sometimes a scrapbook contains more than scraps, newsletters more than news, blogs more than blogs.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

of choice and chance

so is



Thursday, August 3, 2017

eye owe yew - and sometimes why

looking for the silver lining? 

the silver lining is watching you!

Some Druids made a, - Study Plan - Study Plan - Study Plan!
Some Druids made a, - Study Plan ,

it seemed the thing to do!

It thought it was a , School to Pray - School to Pray - School to Pray!
It thought it was a , School to Pray ,

where they made all the rules!

Some think it is a , Training Ground - Training Ground - Training Ground!
Some think it is a , Training Ground ,

To prove what they can do!

Learning is a, Sharing Thing - Sharing Thing - Sharing Thing !
Learning is a, Sharing Thing ,

not complex, - and- not- cruel!

Belonging is a Holy Thing!- a Holy Thing!- a Holy Thing!
Belonging is a Holy Thing!,

not being told- what-to-do!