Wednesday, August 30, 2017

chronicling crepuscular comunications clairvoyant

A photo of my Son operating a prop time machine I made for his seventh grade play --- years ago.

There is something magic in presentation, exhibition and display.
something sacred in honoring contribution and collective collaborative creativity.
micro community creation
crafting communicative cultural conduits

special occasions
trans formative events

photos I had my Son take a few days ago,  maybe a week,
 of  the moss and micro mushrooms,
 under the miniature maple,  I planted many,  maybe five years ago,  maybe more.

The moss and lichen recently placed, the fruiting fungus a momentary manifestation of the hidden.
arrangement, composition unrevealed.

My personal pagan publishing print past part product paralysis, part paradigm prognosis.
courting commonality continuously creating club calendars of classes, celebrations,
Not part of the micro community hosting My Son has come to associate with those who gather for holiday ritual at his home,
 throughout his life,
 that was the partial back story of his parents pagan pairing,

The photos were taken with a hand held touch screen, wireless internet connected computerized communications devise that has been a significant presence in the environment of the times.

complex unseen relationships amidst the various developing beings that inhabit a given space at a given time,
the strange influence they have on one another, responding reacting growing.
playing with focus and attention, awareness and feeling.
What we share- how we share
common causes, crusades, missions, projects, rituals

creating an opportunity, an environment that encourages radiant expression,
What comes out of us.....  
a sharing of the shining -   Thankfulness,  Blessing   -  group core focus- Praise Gratitude
 the intent of fostering the undeveloped potential of individual talent by
the empowerment of the participant within the group
 consistent clever care company
An appeal to the  belief in the occasional unexpected connection to genius .

Before social media, before becoming a Father, before moving away from the micro community I had spawned,My Spirit was fed by the thoughts shared in a Grove newsletter, thoughts I would often share at holiday with those I was gathering with.
Beneath the Trees ended, but the Book of Sassafras began.

sometimes a scrapbook contains more than scraps, newsletters more than news, blogs more than blogs.