Monday, September 2, 2019


A call and Response
Living Spirits Living
Signs of Life
Patterns of Existence
Models of Perception

not to overlook the looking after of things around you.
caring for the well being of others.
paying attention to the interactions and activities in surroundings.
noticing the differences among and between,
stimulating awareness, understanding,belonging.
thankful for being able to direct effort to making the world a better place,
in small ways.

 Cosmic Model not to scale
The simple pleasures
pastime of profundity 
The scatology trails of secret agents , serpentine serendipity symbol string solid and stretchy 
strong sense of connectivity in the face of logical calculated controlled communication.
The change of pressure provides the work in the transfer and exchange
The porous nature of surface, behavior over time and temperature

All here to experience
wet and dry
how and why

pointed or directed attention, beyond the obvious, beneath the obvious,
vantage and perspective- hidden buried treasure

                                 Truth,  you are the song of sweat.

                                  ART, you are the dance of efforts.

                                  Love, you are the gift of giving.

Mysterious Mill Moss Metal Middle Millipede Message Meaning Multiple Mind Market Manufacture Manipulating Modalities Microcosm Magnetism Macrocosm Mix Magic
Being part of the scene
not a matter of choices, or an exercise of free will,or purchasing admission.

 Unexpected Group desire
There is a passing Spirit of the moment that takes place in the congregation of  common calling.
The Magic event  an experience, a gathering ,a mass movement of many.
Passions and intellects- compounded consciousnesses ,conglomerated conceptions.
spirit swap sedimentation safety sanitary self selection serious sacrifice service sensitivity
sacred seasonal expectation

Common contact communication goes both ways , back and forth,
down and up, in and out.

A feeling in the air,
awaiting an unseen vaporous manifestation,
gentle breath of thirst,
ground that is refreshed,
respiration among the roots,
the generational passage of unknown souls,
 of unique desires, tastes , habits
linger softly and securely beneath  structure
within the symbolic sensation saturating setting
that support the solid center thought of as " this".

an arranged arrangement,  to a point.

The Uninvited , have been observing  rituals.
The Unknown ,  have been participating in blessing.
The  Undefined , have been sustaining everything all along.
The Shapes and forms of subjects and objects we chose to recognize,in the ways we are permitted to
making a close and detailed examination of, giving to them attention, significance, power,exchange and change of thought, inspiration of idea, refreshing fertility of appreciation,
the winged seed not long in fixed location and predicament
all children of destiny
all family of fate
all part place, and person per chance.