What is it that draws people together?
People (other than myself) are the main influence on this spiritual experience of living in a human body and sharing group ritual worship that I have.
Make of it what you can.
All of the words, the thoughts and forms that I communicate, my most personal incites are other peoples' work, recognized and related, reassembled, reformed, rearranged, reviewed, remembered.
ruminated,regurgitated, reiterated,returned , rewound, reborn, reused, reserved, remaining revered.
Comparing, learning, feeling, discovering something sympathetic between souls more scribble than smart.
People and Religion - can't have one, with out the other.
Again, it seems that people are the main influence of the pathway between tradition and innovation.
Irreconcilable differences between cultural interpretations of respect for human ways are the basis for conflict and destruction on this Earth.
No Great Cosmic battle or supernatural warfare threatening life on the planet.
People stuff is. Human Spirits in flesh and blood, independently or part of a larger effort combining words and actions to work our will in this life.
Hospitality seems to be the key concept to being open and welcoming to interaction.
Appealing to a shared ability to provide minimal comfort to others, often strangers, with the hope that it is appreciated and recognized as a good gesture, and not taken advantage of.
The Fires that people make, build, and burn can be welcoming or threatening.
Humans claim control, contrivance, contents, contention, characterizing communication.
Cultural complications, competitive,class,combining ,contradicting, cost consumption.
People make fire- People are aware of, take care of - their dead.
Tool use,Knowledge passing,unique among the multitudes of other life on earth.
Free to fool ourselves and others,pretending, practicing,partaking,participating,promising.
You can't fake the fire- You can't fake your life/death.
Timeless Truth Trusting Transmission,
Released from matter and matters,
of influence and persuasion , rules of membership, activities and accomplishments.
social acceptance and rejection are reflected in exclusive and inclusive behaviors,
This sense of being in just the right place , or awkwardly out of place .
Spirit inside, or ghost outside
Knowing what we do not want to take part of.
As a regular holiday host of a diverse spiritual community, animal, plant,other, living and dead.
multicultural, multiform, multitude,magic mix..... another cannot tell another who they can and cannot honor in their heart. sincere worship, and true learning are personal gifts, sometimes shared with others, sometimes not, best to keep things friendly, set the tone, for everybody to play nice.
Hoping that one is honored by receiving an invitation is less offensive than pronouncing the not invited by name.
The gentle language of kindness is different than shouting get out and stay away.
The common feature of The Kindred Spirits is not a uniformity or purity of character,
but by the kind nature of the relationship.
Benevolent and caring
Banishing, excommunication,casting out, identifying people or peoples with illness and misfortune, cursing or binding are not part of the religion I have practiced and shared, individually or promoted with group.
A rotating elected organizational management committee has the authority to make statements as a council as it pertains to the organization .
People who come together and agree on a statement do not necessarily produce a proclamation that is true , outside of the clubhouse rules.
Why a group of druids?, dedicants?, initiates?, priests? would take it upon themselves to make a statement as officers of the mother grove now?
with well timed and planned accusatory resignations..???
getting the same magnification from the same media as "founder scandal" ???
The social media presentation opinion pressure has calls for holding the leadership accountable for inactivity, or cover up??? this group makes a statement using the group platform to produce something of little scholarly,or artistic merit.
It is the product of flawed, imperfect,people...........the only kind I've ever known.
Speaking for a Religion is speaking for more than the current active memberships opinions.
I'm sorry if My basic respect for the dead, with associations of peace and rest are offended by claims of a dead person's past behavior continuing to threaten and do harm to the living,
to protect the "community" especially children, the monster must be destroyed completely.
No piece of it can remain, No memory, or thought, don't utter the name...
...erase the records, burn the books!
cultural purity and the dirty, blemished, scared,evil?
Yes it is Genuine Folk Custom,...... but not my thing.......un- welcoming
I am here to honor the Gods and not gods, to offer praise to what I value.
I am not here to discredit people, their deeds, their spirit as a religious dictate .
Wasted Sacrifice is not what my religion is about .
It should not be such a prominent feature of the organization it's groups and subgroups.
Fortunately our kindred spirits know how people are, and accept us and our offerings.
Know Thank You