Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Harbor Casino
A painting that I never had a image of,,,,,, till now!
a portrait of place- of people - of a time.
I picked up a wood panel, I found, on the bank of the Hudson River a quarter century ago,
working the subjects composition and structural forms defined by the dark drawing,
pulled from a sketch on location.
With gesso and acrylic paint I built up on the surface over a few weeks to try to capture the spirit of the place,
or at least the way I remember a thing that I appreciate,
collections of details highlighted, reflected, assembled,
characters interacting in space,oriented with directional reference,
attitude, obvious and subtle,explicit and implicit
atmospheric interior shapes symbols social and cultural contained on a two dimensional plane.
A Real Place depicted by brushing wet paint from a pointy hairy brush from My often trembling hand to a solid hard surface.
A picture with meaning to others than myself, with an unknown, unseen audience in space and time.
Human company-environmental sensitivity-awareness of surroundings- community climate
shared comfort
A reverence for what is honestly real, with a natural distaste for idealized mass produced fakes .
- Social realism - Metropolitan animism - Locale spiritualism - Creative mysticism -
intersection of tug boats tunnels and trains- hang out - hold out - hide away- that is no more.....
............been found out, bought out, and built over, but the spirit of the times in that place continue in people now far from that busy place ,Time travelling refreshments, home made kielbasa served,
in another dimension, that I am fortunate enough to rediscover.
remaining a real place full of real people represented in pigment on panel, and now pixel on screen.