Saturday, October 31, 2020

Yet Another Summer's End

 Communication between things naturally exists .

life experience need not be bound up in a moral narrative and relationship with sacred teaching.

It can be viewed as part of a common theme of biological activity involving revolving periods of conscious directed action, and times of unconscious rest , sleep or dormancy.

The other side of Life.

Life cycles , Life spans, Life times

Generations enmeshed in regenerative revolutions returning reflexively

perennial rotation  geosynchronous distribution  deciduous dynamism 

Transmutation between things naturally exists .

There is a transformation that takes place in the sharing of something from one being to another.

The substance expressed is rarely consumed entirely, often selectively noticed and reacted to.

What is taken in is a digested translated adaptation interpreted composition of the original subject.

Lots of little changes in a extended balanced continuation of  forms 

Resiliency generators - complexity developers -  wonder workers

Detritus dimensional doorways  nothing is wasted, nothing forgotten, nothing stays the same

Little things make a big difference in the long run.

Acknowledging the magic of intention as making a " gift " a special exchange,

Accepting something and expressing gratitude for being the recipient  of something thing they are free to reject is the distinctive feature in differentiating blessing from burden.

Essential qualities of recognition in benevolent action as a force that guides nourishes and heals.