Friday, November 13, 2020

salus - audhumla

 Salus  is a Roman Goddess associated with public health and sanitation, my painting of her based on a  coin struck in the time when the sewer system was seen as a sacred devotional teaching and practice of a benevolent and wise being who choses to share and give of themselves blessing and knowledge to people to benefit the whole of the community.

the more sophisticated and concentrated the social interaction or psychic engagement becomes a spiritual urbanization of human values puts avoiding sickness as a key directive for future survival.

Clean as protection of illness that passes from one to another

- not all sharing is intentional-

-not all spiritual expressions are healthy-

carry away from this place through dark and deep unobstructed  flow

out and away not here to stay or down below to grow

Audhumla is the Cosmic Cow subject of this larger painting,
 a product of my imagination inspired by popular English translations of primordial Norse origin of life story.
Before the Gods
Between Fire and Ice
A most inhospitable  place of extreme energetic polarized opposition
frontier of  flame and fog - frost and melt - crust and drip
salts and substances deposited and transformed a material mineral essence that was no longer  a singular fixed  nature of fire or ice
elementary individuation of forms the building blocks of relationship, connective tissue, chemical exchange
nutritious collections encrusted in the space between
fertility in place 
Life in balance
food for the first food
Licked up by the most ancient great giver - milk flowing- feeding all worlds - all nature of beings
unsophisticated original being
transforming the space around it without awareness, intention or will
a simple hunger for the undigestible, oblivious not - god  begins the cycles of giving 
what sustains what
what is born from what 
seemingly solitary singular body with no sense of family,  kinship or belonging
no sense of flavor for what little there was to survive on
how could you know what you were starting?
with nothing and no one to compare
friend and feast