Tuesday, August 10, 2021

inner world of everything

 An inner dimension exists in the outer surroundings.

There is a agenda outside of our own.

Trying to fit in and go with the flow are not unique survival strategies to anything at any time.

Everything living and non living participates in an action drama of temporal change.

Every thing participates and has participated in a degree of change in their environment.

Inspiration respiration expiration    who's breath are we breathing ?

Souls systems sanctuaries    impressions expressions dimensions.

The problem is not about human nature and the end of the world 

The problem is about global private ownership and how the commodification of  surroundings - extracting resources converts natural life wealth into a modern human monetary symbol in the form of a number.

People are not culturally indoctrinated they are commercially exploited.

reward award something received from outside

payment value currency incentive leverage

players in a game.

trusting the rules.

Where an organic cycle of life and death has been supplanted with buying and selling,  

the nature of existence has been altered for the participants.

Information its distribution and access are sponsored and glamorized.

Independent observational reason is atrophied, contemplative thought and review are differed to professionals.

secret buried treasure

existing for experience -

experiencing to exist -

imaginations aspirations dreams appetites bodily functions life cycles -

Beyond individual control or making -  yet felt personally  -

experienced by the environment  -

inside responding to outside -

outside responding to in -

Worshiping the space from which life sprigs forth -

the place that supports a multitude of biological activity in profoundly microscopic ways -

echoed in our origins older than birth =

resonating with the regenerative capacity in adaptation inherent in all things of this world=

 = instinctive balance = 

= changing awareness of a changing world =

A world that made us to live and die.

= sharing and interacting =

 = Belonging to a bigger picture than intergenerational memory can frame =

 = a community larger and more complex than traditionally acknowledged =

Unexposed developing something exchanging with what was something else

inside of everything all around .