Wednesday, December 21, 2022
still me dreaming me still
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
physical record
Knowing what gets the juices flowing is passed on generationally internally.
What sticks with you or anybody else at any given juncture of time and space?
Developing as experiencers,
concurrently concluding conscious coincidence collaborates perceptive fields
What sinks in with you or anybody else at any taken journey in life?
Maturing as analysts,
reflexively referencing reverence refining rightness comfort satisfaction
Our judgments, intuitive feelings about the nutritional value of an experience are influenced by personal informational diets of individual past reactions and tastes for interaction.
Living bodies are the containers of transformational knowledge and metabolic wisdom.
Our individuation is not a function of our internal make up-
it is made up of relationships with external experience digested somehow internalized.
much of what is person-personal-person hood-personality is not physical identification characteristics
it is behaviors uniquely expressed reactions and responses habituated situationally to circumstance.
Self in a sense is not the recording itself as the way it plays as live performance adapting and improvising qualities accessible and available at the time and place one finds themselves in.
fates, destines, stars and soil
I'm a Neo Pagan Druid with room for science and magic in the worlds of my head heart and gut.
Making a point of honoring this place called EARTH as a starting point and reference of common life and death experience past present and future
belonging is the beginning
part of the physical record
As a practicing priest I am cautious about creating sacred space sensitivity structure and formula that feels stiff or formal as to exaggerate error anxiety or demand a level of participation of others.
My down to earth approach to ritual performance comes to me naturally.
Serving suggestions-portion control-menu development-special recipe
not as spiritually sound as
not shoving anything down the throat of another.
forcing anything a very different matter indeed.
Subtlety nuanced combinations of aroma and taste coupled with feelings of texture on teeth and tung.
Archaic Anthropomorphic Animistic Awareness Advancement
Articulating Amphibious Ambiguity Appearance Alignment Appetite
recorded here to reach the eyes of myself and others
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Bardic Inspiration
I am wondering about glycocalyx and extra sensory perception-field awareness-extended personal space-sticky conductive informative extra cellular beyond the membrane experience.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
locus-focus ~ hocus-pocus
Special effort is involved in entering and exiting sacred space.
Simultaneously interior and exterior perception is adjusted, awareness is altered.
An exceptional dimension of possibility and opportunity exist in the uncommon non- standard time .
A Place that we are not actively engaged in regular activity,
a temporary truce on conflicts ongoing and individual affairs.
what we carry with us into ritual space,
what we hope to clean away before we enter,
what we offer in word - action - substance - thought or feeling
A special time and place where wishes can come true
hopes can be found
prayers can be answered
A conductive current between worlds
An exchange that is taking place
That has taken place
That will take place
That is certain
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
wondering wisps of wafts within wafts
to extend a kindness to another by word actions thought and other ways
many and various are the agents of blessing over time and places witnessed
too many to get all the names or the pronunciation correct
often too fleeting to notice at the time
the point is not the source of blessings recognition,
but acknowledging blessing as life/death process entanglement
gestures of greeting and farewell aid in developing understandings of shared existence
a repeated ritual
a sampling of attitude and demeaner
a friend detector and friend developing technique
in the company of others
favorite companions, kindred spirits, comfortable relationships
a sense of something special shared coupled with circumstance-environmental pressures of the time.
Allies and alignments are aspects of attraction
part of a polarity symmetry pattern we are suspended in
the distance between front and back - top and bottom
a recognition of others essential character's identifiable qualities are not found in their form and appearance
but in the way they behave, their movements and actions speak to their positive or negative reactions to interacting with an energetically charged environment
fluctuating currents transitional material occupying space in the company of others
a sampling of attitude and trajectory, heading and bearing, time and temperature
a repeated ritual of questioning and observing that charts the float and drift of feeling
in a world that is full of beings that perceive the world differently
insensitive to value scale proportion perspective composition of others likes and dislikes.
indifferent to company or surroundings and the effects of their actions upon others.
unkind and cruel behavior, hurtful action and mean spirit are part of the play book for some.
repulsion is a spirit guide, a reactive quality somewhere within part of natural threat awareness.
Enemies and vilification are not dominated by the intuitive dichotomy of good-bad and the imaginative capacity of the individual
social magnification and amplification structurally assert expertise in cult of fear and its management
and maintenance
targeting hostility, blaming,punishing,cursing are popularly driven but expertly directed learned behaviors as well as group stress trigger responses.
the distance between coming together to honor shared blessing and running away from persecution is
not measurable
but the movement is reflective of some kind of binary coupling that makes up a whole adrift in space.
Thursday, September 22, 2022
something found in the translation
Saturday, July 23, 2022
the omega glory
Saturday, July 2, 2022
talking timing texture training
All of us conditioned from childhood to redirect irrational fear of the invisible monster of the dark.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
peer process program persuasion purpose parallels
(don't always pick the first to raise their hand!)
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Krispy original vision
maybe as simple as caring
the opposite of nobody cares
everything cares
everything collections connections complexity
nothing completely indifferent oblivious
the opposite polarity of the ever-present care world is neglect
caring coupled with kindness are commonly exchanged
between subjects and objects of all shapes and forms
when there is no obvious benefit to the individual the behavior cannot be rationally explained
Friendly feedback loops feature as a repeated structural pattern of cycles and systems.
components in a moving body within a moving body
consequence curiosity crossing consciousness containment
nothing is static
nothing is singular
environmental constraints limit the activities and behaviors perceptions and functions of all
attention appreciation affection
caring coupled with kindness are commonly exchanged
between subjects and objects of all shapes and forms
Monday, April 25, 2022
totipotent transmission tales
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
reconnecting ritually regularly respectfully recognizing reaching reacting reappearance response
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
culture is habitual human bias
People pleasing is ingrained in human language and thought
Friday, March 11, 2022
nature does not lie
Everything produces waste = All products of change
Friday, March 4, 2022
pattern framing transplanting meaning
change in surrounding conditions stimulate interior reordering
moving parameters refocus information contained within waiting
reanimation is continuous and commonplace with compositions of spirits, bodies and others
structurally related predispositions for responding behaviors and orientations undiscovered
context communicating subjective differentiation projective anticipation of participation
situational switches recombination sequences initiated upstream utilized by host machinery
predictive properties part of the personhood of all things great and small moving thru time
physical and non-physical-visible and invisible-intentional and unintentional- conductors are we
Thursday, February 10, 2022
unorthodox communication language magic
magical alphabets sacred incantations uncommon pronunciations weird sounds many voices
the vibration beneath the tone is the message from the breath returning to the world.
the sound is no longer possessed in potential by someone or thing but set free and made observable.
what is observed is determined by the qualities of the observer to feel the wave move through them.
special delivery
natural thought interrupters
a signal intensity ritual journey daydream buzzkill override attention grabber incoming information alert.
energy conductivity pathway
The new Governor declared a state of emergency for Ulster County New York - radial ice up to half an inch thick accumulating on all surfaces.
The Tree's limbs are bowed down and curled over as if punched in the stomach covered in heavy ice with evenly spaced icicles hanging from the smallest twig tips
One small branch is outside my window bent and dangling to touch and rest upon the insulated electric line twisted around the high-tension steel cable connecting power from the road to my home.
Dazzling beautiful in the bright clear light of day refracting reflecting magnifying twinkling chandelier plumb bobs Fresnel lenses
Bending light from bending branch amplified and directed to me personally with specific meaning and unconventional intensity delivery from the sun to my eyes and into my mind
hard to imagine how that mature limb of the old sugar maple could possibly be bent to the extreme it was by a natural phenomenon
easy to imagine how the load would break the limb and could pull the power line off the house dropping between the generator and the twin propane tanks that fuel it at the original entrance roadside of my old home.
I was powerless to do anything to protect my space, my border, my boundry- less than twenty feet up and out of my old front door.
hard not to stare at it in a strange, concentrated worry.
The image of the unfinished watercolor above is on the same size paper block mentioned in an earlier blog post titled age.
Icosahedral capsid is the second I have done in a similar spirit to the two other series on eight by ten inch one-hundred-and-forty-pound cold press cotton.
the first painting was finished before the storm, this was done just after the powerline was safe.
considering the self-assembly of protomers into aggregate forms called capsomeres
considering the solar activity causing a geomagnetic storm affecting the temperature of the atmosphere one hundred and thirty miles up causing it to be denser than expected creating fifty% more drag on the satellites launched into orbit the day before
cytoplasmic streaming? The Waters of Life!
steam the same distance away as me and most of the stuff here within that old front door
came up from the city
for more than twenty years
but distance of space between things is measured not horizontally
but vertically
challenging the trajectory and acceleration in the outer envelope of our collectively perceived boundry our body Earth something can happen in minutes, the Sun and Earth are that intimately linked- the distance doesn't matter
Essentially the polymorphous container holds within it the encoded adaptive information of responses to changing environmental conditions as experienced in past generations.
check the return address on our individuated protein envelopes see what I'm talking about
Friday, January 14, 2022
boundary between inside and out
What information gets passed back and forth and what meaning is found