Tuesday, December 21, 2021

It's the thought that counts

 People witness the call to enter sacred space with the declaration of the intention of honoring the many beings, gods and not gods that bless our world and our lives.

The first sacrifice is offered to our most common and ancient relationships of the living and dead that make up what we know and have yet to discover about the vastly huge and immensely complex truth!


Mother of being

Lands of All Living

Generator of generations

All the way back

The one and only Original

The Real Deal

The Whole Thing

without idealization, without romanticization,

without interpretation, without exaggeration,

without expectation of special favor, without exploitation of practice 

without fear of penalty, without obligation

offer of our selves this freely given gift to the Great Giver

a tiny bit from a tiny bit part of bigger things of bigger things

genuine authentic appreciation for a nurturing benevolent current that runs through the ages and things of this Living and Dying Place shared as a growing body shared as it is by all generously as particular participants in planetary personhood recognized here and now

Our Ritual in your name 

with our breath

with our sound 

with our words

in our voice

we pray

Earth Mother                                           Accept Our Sacrifice!

Monday, December 20, 2021


 A watercolor of a Copepod on the same size paper block as the Gods and Goddesses series I have painted- accumulating into the yet to be born -Perrin's incomplete guide to Gods and not gods-

of which, The Cailleach appears on the cover of ADF's publication OAK LEAVES currently. 

I have had my work on the cover before, but this is a return to the series that was featured on ADF's publication The Druid's Progress report number eight fall 1991ce Cernunnos and again with report number nine spring 1992ce Lugh.

the series, sold as individually crafted cards in a limited micro community is mostly work before associations with Priest, Clergy, Reverend and the general public. The Cailleach was painted mid-nineties.

The Copepod was painted after Priest, Clergy, Reverend. Somewhere about a decade into the next century that I find myself in now.

Becoming part of a series of common Aquatic Macro Invertebrates it had a lot in common with my previous series on that size watercolor block.

Attempting to appreciate and differentiate members of a community of different beings that exist in our reality largely unseen.

Putting down on paper what I am inspired to look for in study and observation as an imperfect reference of appearance and disappearance over time and place.

My attempt to get to know the subject in the shaping of a representational image that is an exploratory and enthusiastic characterization -as a memory aid and facilitator of understanding.

Excitement in identification and recognition- I was possessed by the subject and the need to paint it for myself.

magic revelation of different scales and time uniquely shaped pieces that fit together in a larger puzzle 


Oar Foot

Individually lateral symmetry mobility up front with one eye

buoyant boundary of bug beginnings

giant of the microscopic world and smallest surviving paired paddle swimmers of the planktonic world

independent autonomous agency exhibited by numbers of individual movement decisions in the lives of millions of beings of common propulsion method and sensitivity for surroundings

 hungry self-directed bodies in the billions over the millennia

collective clusters communities' coastal continuity

largest single animal biomass on earth

possibly the most continuous eating, breathing, crapping contributer to the carbon cycle

moving molting masses of transparent jittery specks ravenously consuming all the phytoplankton found

first foragers first harvesters first meat first meal, first to find and first to flee

significant persistent common animal present planet population pointer

Prehistoric macroscopic prototype crustacean still dominating the wet domain

Ancient fertile awareness existing unseen within the waters

something simple that is so prolific when active extending the range of habitat beyond the limits of its potential support but leaving behind a dormant and resilient next generation to awaken and spawn in a new age.

I think Oak Leaves may have another cover with a watercolor of a goddess from the old series from the same size paper block painted before Priest, Clergy, Reverend coming out this Spring.

looking forward to it

Thursday, December 9, 2021

light energy is formative and directional


The suns light has shown upon the living films and concentrations of the giant spheres surface of this body of matter for eons.

The properties of matter, solid, liquid, gas remain the same over time along with gravity as the compositional diversification driven by the chemical conversion of energy of a specific slice of the spectrum of cosmic radiation   - green life is a generator and capacitor in the primordial mud of then and now.

With the respiration of green life is the creation of free oxygen on the Planet.

This reactive gas dissolved in solution distributed thermodynamically across the surface area of the liquid surface before the crust accumulated from deposits to create the continent to be.

the sea and sky were first in existence before the land emerged as a solid form, what we think of as earth

what we think of as stone 

what we think of as mineral

what we think is solid

what we think of as habitat and home for life being the offspring of lights penetration through a revolving liquid lens.

life planktonic

Animals that need to sense food develop light sensitivity organs that are responsive to a wider and faster discernment of available ambient light as well as a nervous system to interpret and react to a visual field.

Eyes develop with animal anatomical complexity in a recognizable head that is sensitively responding to what it is seeing, particularly other things with eyes.

Eyes are organ of awareness the physical development and shaping are a product of the qualities of light itself instructing generational life how to specialize and optimize.

Leaves develop with vegetable anatomical complexity as a recognizable outgrowth that is responding to the directive influence of changing light, particularly seeking and anticipating future light.

Leaves are an organ of respiration and photosynthesis with great variation as to form and shape specializing in surface area transforming light and water into life to be connected and cycled within the structure of the body in a relatively fixed position to light outside.

Green life is able to develop physically and structurally in the stability of the shallows of the last super continent to break up

Life Pangaea

Life was adapting to a radically new environmental condition outside of liquid surroundings.

Drying out was the lesson taught to life allready familiar with death

Trunk and branch, limb and root holding precious fluids within non buoyant bodies

 feeling gravity            feeling verticality     feeling less density and pressure

Feeling greater fluctuation in temperature place energy exposure to solar radiation and gas exchange

Animals and plants get thirsty and breathe easy in a whole new way on this planet in direct connection to the precise angle of the suns passage in the daytime sky.

receiving signals from our local star tuned into its frequency turned on by its intention we respond.

we are nurtured intimately by a vastly distant brilliantly radiant body that shines through empty cold darkness to animate and inspire!

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

ever lasts for something

Nothing disappears completely

 Entropy and inertia

Everything comes from something


It seems as though the primary regenerative binary coupling that instigates autonomous equilibrium and individualization are summarized in the concepts of,

Guest            ====--------=====          Host

If one thinks of the body as the host it needs the guests of breathing, food and drink to move through the process it facilitates structurally.

Active exchange and interaction with vital elements that exist outside of the form of the self organized being are essential in maintaining homeostasis.

This is what it means to be animated, to move , to live,

A world  within that has specifically unique fluids, solids and gasses behaving in ways that sustain the operation of the living body.

These forms of fluids gasses and solids do not exist or behave in the outside world as they do in the countless individual living breathing things with specific nutritional / conditional needs contained in anatomical structure.

 Physical systems are interior dimensional environmental control.

 Bubbles with individual pressure and temperature with unique responses to energetic stimulations.

Failing to interact and exchange with the outside world, ( sensed or not ) is suffocation and starvation.

A collapse in self regulation

Nature has provided the same ability to all 

constant consistent repetitious rhythmic



take in============let go


Breathing is gradual and immediate,     adjustment adaptation acclimation 


Awareness , consciousness, memory , attention is not required of the guest

food drink safe shelter and a place to rest

The Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel is an Irish story that predates ADF , or My involvement with ADF.

It is a prominent continuance in resonant response over great difference in time space translation altering sensitivities dormant in my spiritual interior concurrent with vocalizations and actions as well as feelings associated with Voice and hosting friendly community worship experience  with what I had learned  and gathered from ADF, facilitating ritual blessing practice in the formation of a druid grove and illustrating a serial comic for the grove newsletter  predating My priestly recognition by the organization is this old story about the most accommodating place in the realm and the sacred king who seeks shelter and finds death there because he had broken the promises he had made to the spirits to generate fruitful bounty and abundance by keeping a just and equal peace by sparing his beloved but guilty foster brothers from execution and bending the law to exile them beyond, cast out to sea they encounter and make a deal with  a fierce one eyed pirate from Albu forcing them to aide in the killing of his own parents in his home realm and then turning to the former territory of the exiled foster brothers to destroy something as payment for sparing their lives and joining in agreement to provide a place owed to the fierce one eyed pirate as a fitting destruction betraying all that was good in a outlaw obligation they spy upon their target before attacking describing location surroundings intersecting water ways and roads the numbers of chariots and horses around the great structure itself with many faces and doors with a huge central fire hall that when lit was seen far and wide allowing for a detailed description of the interior its many rooms the occupants their possessions attire and vocation are delivered rhythmically by the spy asking for an analysis  at each step it is made clear how great  the assembly of great and strange things gathered in this noble place was and how tragic and costly the attack would be suggesting a different target to be overruled by the threatened curse of the one eyed pirate demanding his due and the exiled foster brothers oath bound outlaw honor to this horrible task which proceeds to the next spy view description followed by the interpretive analysis with its suggestion  of how tragic and costly overruled with a threatened curse till coming to a conclusion with the beginning of the attack with the interpreter being decapitated going in and out of the great gate a number of times at the onset of the first wave of attacks on the encircled Hostel just as he predicted the intelligence was correct and our sacred king had seen clear evidence of the degraded and eroding  relationship between structure order and balance between behavior and the landscape made explicit in his contract with the spirits predating his kingly recognition every omen and sign along the way had led him to a place and time that was understood to be his end foreshadowed in dream sending his champion and ultimate defense outside of the besieged hostel to fetch him a drink of water only to find that everything is dry till completing a circuit around and returning to a flaming ruin and a decapitated sacred king  who when given his drink sings praise to his champions execution of his command

What remains of a glazed apple turnover that did not make it into my mouth as intended but fell into my safety belt buckled lap while eating in the car.

It is strangely personal what we put into our person

How things end up, what is really taking place when we thirst and crave with a taste

 Our boundaries of awareness linked with a sense of preference and presence internalizing 

attracted to

Substance that is made up of the life energy spirit direction of other things arranged and prepared by yet others inspired by yet others in a complex fabric of control and creation that keeps us all going

Part of what I have picked up along the journey is that when I treat things as something special they respond to me  in a special way.

nourished by

making friends and learning lessons

What sticks around from the interactions its frequency and regularity effects sensitivity and attention

Feelings perceived or imagined are the medium of communication of immediate response followed by memory and reflection.     

 Thoughtfulness or logic may never come into play,

 but kindness and extending basic comfort always does.

continuance in generous benevolent attitude that is messy and leaves a lot of crumbs all around

nothing is empty                                                            nothing is original

Obsessing on biggest best personal exclusive on demand service is not healthy neopagan directive

Spiritually digesting the inspiration from respiration and expiration with perspiration and motivation.

Keep it real look at it deeper closer longer than you normally allow yourself to  and you will discover a level of understanding,( backstory)of the subject and objects circulating in immediate specific proximity to the observer- speculation as to actions and relations over time - develop not by the unique talents of the individual imagination but are a active body composed of the detritus of previous lives

                                                                              Guest - Host. 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

nothing lasts forever

 All things will pass,
 no matter is permanent or inert but bound by the changing energetic field around it.
The Vital energetic exchange with the surrounding environment specific individuated.
Vibrational frequency     wave function    octaves scale  signal circuit  structure system
light - sound - heat 
All things traveling away from their source
Mortality and multiplication are the two sides of  Evolutions coin.
One presuming the other over time and space.
Death is Natures kindness, 
  Generating opportunity for others,
 a gift to  life that is .........the future.

and taking with it the individuals struggle and suffering
and taking with it the individuals sorrow and sadness
and taking with it the individuals stasis  and shape

Making the living world into which we are born.

It is a good thing that nothing is immortal .
It is a good thing that nothing is the absence of something .
It is a good thing that nothing is for certain .

Spiritual inquiry contacting guides assistance channel of the past and the passed.
Allowing for a degree of free will and agency in the sensitivity of the apparatus of communication.
Tuning  into and resonating with experience of non living things as environmental influencers .
Long  distance information 
Beings without bodies who have opinions of their own, a different point of view, something to say.
Keeping things kind
friendly greetings and farewell
questions cost a little 
no harm in playing

till it is time to move on .

Sunday, October 31, 2021

omne vivum ex vivo

 Truth reveled with a tilted swan necked flask and boiled nutrient broth a few generations back.

Origin stories part of poetic language and the veneration of the past as self reflective composition.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

well! tilt my axis!

 Seasonal change is the external instigator of my internal transformational agitator.
Feeling as if centrifugal force rotates a perceptual envelope beyond the curvature of now.
The spinning fate - destiny at the base of the center the root of the subject outside and beneath .
The foundational supportive framework of circumstance provided by most ancient non gods.
Uniquely polarized point of view distilling what will be from what has been
 Thread of mortal existence, continuity of spiritual being, linear form, stretchy and bendable.

All wound up in patterns and designs that are not of our own making,
 without hope of influence or persuasion
 beyond appeal we are blessed by beings before worship and without worship.

trust in the truth of the turning
charmed by the chance in change
grateful for the gift of growth
rewarded by the revolving regeneration

The stuff built into our making.
is the making yet to develop a material manifestation in anticipation of future function.
composed of predictive passive predestined particles pigmenting porous permeable potential.

A painting from college of the old stairway to my rooms door , half open upper right.
Vertical axis as center of my world and self concept when I began answering to the call,
                                                                       Druid !
Personal time line- the past life experience, growth recorded internalized memory habit flesh
Bound and twisted together in the unique singularity of individual being at the core of who we are.
Directional sense- the space between discernable spirits relative to one another- magnetic polarity
External directors beyond the interactive sphere routinely contribute to the turning of  magic current

                                                           "Sacred Tree grow within us"
Considering coincidence circumstance chance reflective retrospective resonant revolution
Considering connectivity continuity consciousness  returning regenerative regularity rewards
adjusting adapting approaching arriving                          sharing social seasonal survival solutions

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

time and temperature brought to you by....

traveling within the still flat surface plane

Everything makes waves in its passage

Everything leaves a wake behind

Energetic expansion extension exchange

away from the origin of the field disturbance and the returning displaced environs

Temporal tickling acoustic resonance responsive realm

Trembling  tactile temperamental transit tension tolerance trip tracking

Time spent together

closeness and distance

the space between objects feeling

companionship sensitivity

contours complexity currents

hope has an echo

formless and undefined things still cast  shadows

trusting in ability of touch and transfer

balanced circulation gradual adjustment

aggregated deposits accumulating conglomerate symmetry

compositional metamorphism elemental equilibrium 

greetings and farewells  all around

all stirred

all in the mix

collectively unable to reverse course or cover up tracks we leave behind

individually perceiving movement in relationship to a singularity that is self and other objects or things

internal location spirit level will power life propeller active in nearly everything all around

a lot of crossing paths

a lot of intersecting souls

a lot of combinations of energies

a lot of potential possibility in the solution regeneration culture growing in medium we find ourselves in

Thursday, September 9, 2021

tilth ~ tempo = telepathy ~ trajectory


Composed of individualized self organizing bodies entrained with the patterns of environmental conditions and nutrient exchanges participating in biological blessing naturally.

Mimicking metabolic magic munching making melodies .

Metamorphic memories maintained mythically monitored .

The fertility of time and place are not a product of a singular agency .

Biodiversity and balance are the natural source of healthy continuance of life.

It is the accumulation and aggregation of multiple forms and functions of interactions observable and unknown between the living and non living things sharing material physical existence in locale, habitat, home, world.

Religion and agriculture exclusively promoting dominant monoculture practices carry with them a sense of superiority and inferiority - elitist bias sponsored hierarchy.

Endlessly eradicating lesser defective intrusive and elevating the chosen best qualities to be representative of the expected standard.

Spirits of nature and place exist on their own without interpretation , management or worship.

Nature spirits are natural spirits, they are not invented, crafted , groomed or shaped to fit a world of imagination.

They exist as they are.

wild spirits born free,

to  appreciate the wholeness of  something as it truly uniquely appears , behaves , feels,

changing , moving , responding , growing over time.

all things of this world are things of spirit.

Everything has a potential.

Recognizing  that with praise offerings and sacrifice is a good thing, or so I have been taught.

Human kind is part of the animal kingdom like the plant kingdom part of a egg and fertilization reproduction.

Born into this world spiritually authentic, active and relevant without indoctrination or training.

We all have our origins inside of a mother,

Puzzling probability possibility place pattern between flower and fruit.

People have no monopoly on soul ownership or it's pathways.

Marginalizing the spirits role in the inherently animating principal of life and death experience is the business and politics of control and claim capitalist concerns.

The magical passage that is the living breathing bending and breaking growth transformation is all inclusive and wild.

The individual spirit need not be particularly self aware in it's body and form,

intelligence and identity being something that grow up out of perception.

Luck is free

Love is free

Luck and Love are inside every seed

Luck and Love are inside the soil

Luck and Love in the blowing wind

Luck and Love with the gentle rain

Luck and love with Sun and Moon

Luck is a gift

Love is a gift

We are all given

Monday, August 23, 2021

humus ~harness = hubris ~ harvest

 Hinging on the ability to help or hurt.

Our actions or inaction are part of a larger circumstance and context beyond individual awareness.

The belief in pursuing optimization of function

Making something different 

Creating change for the better

invigorate and stimulate

clearing and cleaning  

encouraging vitality

without vanity or pride

What emerges is not exclusively imagined and intended

Elements can be over looked ignored or excluded from the composition to direct the attention

Sacrifice is a dispossession for benefit

loss of the whole of what was available to be given

Truth is

 not- a wish to be made

 not- a promise to be delivered

not - give them what they want 

Idyllic fantasy is not a balanced expectation of what is and has been.

no way to project outcome

no way to enhance growth potential 

no way to be honest

 Trust  that action and meaning are not perfect.

Appreciating  things that are exceptionally gifted or giving is natural to life.

simplifying ritual relationship to contract singularity with judgment of good and bad is a human thing.

exaggerating dominating uniformity hierarchy importance ability as superior to others is a human thing.

standards morals punishments religion history law science fiction  medicine art communication are human  things.

Culture of cultivation character complexity crafting 

build beg barter boon born bias

ingenious solutions = technological saviors = better leadership

human concepts claimed collected controlled crops

controlling context  circumstances and conditions

possession of the field

passion for the play

popular presentation of service

people the reason the world exists

or so they like to hear

or want to hear

banishing variables for security

appealing to our collective self importance

what we must do to survive

growing out of the nutritious now below the surface of our being

bound to a purpose and pursuit of effort and struggle not completely of our own making or desire

fed by life before us

food for life beyond us

our dream is not ours alone

humility ~ humanity

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

inner world of everything

 An inner dimension exists in the outer surroundings.

There is a agenda outside of our own.

Trying to fit in and go with the flow are not unique survival strategies to anything at any time.

Everything living and non living participates in an action drama of temporal change.

Every thing participates and has participated in a degree of change in their environment.

Inspiration respiration expiration    who's breath are we breathing ?

Souls systems sanctuaries    impressions expressions dimensions.

The problem is not about human nature and the end of the world 

The problem is about global private ownership and how the commodification of  surroundings - extracting resources converts natural life wealth into a modern human monetary symbol in the form of a number.

People are not culturally indoctrinated they are commercially exploited.

reward award something received from outside

payment value currency incentive leverage

players in a game.

trusting the rules.

Where an organic cycle of life and death has been supplanted with buying and selling,  

the nature of existence has been altered for the participants.

Information its distribution and access are sponsored and glamorized.

Independent observational reason is atrophied, contemplative thought and review are differed to professionals.

secret buried treasure

existing for experience -

experiencing to exist -

imaginations aspirations dreams appetites bodily functions life cycles -

Beyond individual control or making -  yet felt personally  -

experienced by the environment  -

inside responding to outside -

outside responding to in -

Worshiping the space from which life sprigs forth -

the place that supports a multitude of biological activity in profoundly microscopic ways -

echoed in our origins older than birth =

resonating with the regenerative capacity in adaptation inherent in all things of this world=

 = instinctive balance = 

= changing awareness of a changing world =

A world that made us to live and die.

= sharing and interacting =

 = Belonging to a bigger picture than intergenerational memory can frame =

 = a community larger and more complex than traditionally acknowledged =

Unexposed developing something exchanging with what was something else

inside of everything all around .

Thursday, July 29, 2021

projected punctuation prescient placement

 My Wife showed me the post on her phone this winter.

His Daughter said he died after a twenty year struggle with  disease.

I have wondered, think I saw him last a quarter of a century from now, spoke to him last some time before.

My Wife got to meet his Wife on our Honeymoon  tour when she collected a  vendor fee from us at the
Big festival on His Land.

The last Summer of nineteen ninety nine.

My Father had hoped to reconnect with him and see how his place had grown since We were there on a stop over on tour with Sunshine Artists back when Skylab was still in orbit and Star Wars had premiered.

I had forgotten, think I had been working on the Nematon for a couple years, having met him maybe the year before.

My Wife and one year old Son were with Me the last time I was on his land, at the Nematon, I don't remember seeing him around.

The first ordination of two thousand and two.

My Father died that fall.

The Nematon developed from a workshop I gave at a festival about the temple without a roof-sacred grove- fixed place of sacrifice.

The Point of the space is appreciating and promoting beneficial relationships.

Central to this concept is the cosmic axis connectivity- mutuality-recipricosity.

Observations over time .....
 that which is freely offered of themselves with a true heart is received and replied to.

Around this sacred function the place is supposed to accumulate that intention, reflecting the desire and responding to the special attention it receives. 

The cult of place is more than a peoples special designation of separate locale,
 accommodating human design.

space has lives of it's own., it's own feelings, it's own children.

The place was dedicated to the earth mother and the worship of our many kindred spirits.

It was not conceived  by myself  as a monument to a religious organization
 or a feature of a rentable festival campsite by the owner,
or the playground of event organizers,
 or a location I was prepared to curate,
 establish and maintain in a distant market driven competitive performance opportunity. 

something slips in the sincerity of sacrifice when attendance and audience shift to spectator tourism.
traffic and expansion combined with convenience and participation strain the voluntary support structure needed to maintain and train the growing project of sharing the experience of place.

Lucky for me to have had the times to display my arts with people and place!

Love  to those born from such coming together!

Thanks for accepting my sacrifice!

My double decker sacred pole taken out of the Nematon and down to the field .

My sacred inside carried out broken and burnt multi dimensional transformation.

A ritual getting out of the middle for me at the time. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

natural only is it ?

 It is a uncommon collection of coincidences crossing over back and forth between times and lives.

Everything born from something else.

Everything part of a family.

Everything more detailed and complex upon closer examination.

Truth is not a quality that the observer gives to something.

Truth  exists outside of the observations or awareness of individuals or communities.

Truth is not an idealization.

It is not about correctness or perfection.

It is not bound to judgement and aesthetic.

It is not in choosing or understanding.

It is a uncommon collection of coincidences crossing over back and forth between times and lives.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

it is only natural

it is only natural

People will always behave like people

Religion, Science , Art, Politics, are all human cultural constructs of language, they may relate to non human subjects, but are shared human perceptions linked with human thought and spirit.

People teach other people to communicate.

Much of the training of the individual mind involves submission to dominant dualistic dichotomy, accepting a socially expressed- yes or no- right or wrong -us or them.

Understanding is limited to the structure and order prescribed and how strictly it is followed.

As conditioned beings we are domesticated creatures that still have the wild ability to sense invisible companions.

Things that get us though the hard times that are part of the Life Experience.

Lingering essences and persistent identities,
 dormant and emergent,
 cycle in and out of awareness.

Unrecognized immaterial actors with personhood beyond the subject and object relationship of words.

Feelings and associations that do not originate from an individual in time and space,
 but exist on their own for their own reason as part of  a greater fabric of locality.

Balance and perspective are found and profound interrelationships with inside and outside.

An existing dialogue between worlds that we are taking part in regardless of our silence or ignorance.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

momentary mutuality message mimicry

 I believe there is an underlying ability and desire " to make friends" and find compatibility with others as part of the basic function of living and learning spirits of this Earth.

migratory metamorphosis mix and match

love language is not about genetic information exchange or erotic literature

love language is the shared attraction of organic companionship

bonding appreciation affection

a predisposition for complex social interaction in the interior and exterior worlds of bodies.

synchronization between and amongst components of a larger adjustment and adaptation to the changing surroundings triggered by certain conditions of time and space..... a feeling

a feeling with meaning, relating to something outside of the self that shares circumstance in common.

showing care and consideration to the benefit of others without direct reason is part of the natural way.

The maturing process is one of accumulated growth habit that nature has given all of us mortal beings.

 generational change with ancestral momentum symbiotic silk of interconnectivity.... a taste

a taste of our own ,aesthetic compatibility complicated and diverse is the driving force in the lives of all breathing, moving, reproducing things.

the vigor displayed in  rapid new growth is an anticipation of opportunity based on an old plan, an older memory, an older reason than the new growth is aware of.

fertility is a function of the space it is drawn from.

the inside, down below, way back when, and all around !

Thursday, April 22, 2021

know what? big deal% mind read!

That is Me in the picture,

 next to the" Brain" prop,

 I had been working on,

 for  the M tv game show, "Idiot Savants "in nineteen  ninety six,

 on the shop floor at Acadia Scenic, in Jersey City across the street from the studio,

 I was clandestinely living out of -  one eleven  first street.

I had no idea at the time, what is on my mind now

My perception of self

My sense of identity

My memories

My thoughts

My imagination

My behavior

My choices

My control

My brain

It is all in your head

The organ of  bodily hierarchy as advanced with human exceptionalism,

 the thinking champion dominating the individuals sense of  agency , self organization ,mastery

Our ability to respond and react to our living environment is governed by intelligence and judgment ,

located in tissue of flesh within the skull. the origin of self centered ego, seat of  possession

   authority autonomy anatomy

pathways of experience and association 

 layered meaning branching structure

internal relationships formed and folded with external perceptions

attention intention antenna idea awareness on the end of our neck

floating between our ears, hiding behind our eyes.

directionally designed with top and bottom, front and back

receiver and projector simultaneous signaling sensitivity anticipation generating

reality as conception, understanding ,belief.

The illusion of our original possession, ownership, control of self is a inner freedom of thought.

Private and personal are biological and cultural adaptations merged in deep conditioned existence.

The Brain is the easiest organ to manipulate.

It functions as interpreter of surroundings, with a built in mission to try to fit in, and explore.

That is to say,

 territory, habitat, range

acclimation    =      acceptance

responding to the many changes in the living environment is the key to  survival.

recognizing regulars and newcomers to place, spotting interrelationship similarities and differences in group and individual seasonal dynamics among the various beings with their independent nervous systems responding....

are they aware of my presence?

what do they think of me?

what do they think of my work?

accept my sacrifice!

the gift of brain to brain communication is  an acknowledgement of understanding .

an organic polarity exists between the positive comfort engage in friend making, mind melding, appreciative interaction. safe and relaxed.

and the negative reaction of  one feeling threatened, rejecting advances and restrictions of other brains in the neighborhood, a level of competition and hostility that is encouraged as entertainment industry and real estate that is the social mega-brain of human economics.

the escape, exit strategy is half of the basic dichotomy of response of the foundational brain in the waking working hours.

What the brain does when we are sleeping is it's own business.

challenging our ability to own or take credit for control of the brain experience and it's bonding with,

or rejecting the perceived situational engagements, rewards and pursuits of a singular bodily organ executive manager and accounting for what " it" does with " it's" time off.

People have exaggerated the emphasis of presentation of identity and idea. 

ownership and personhood growing out of the eating end of our spine.

The brain is not in charge, it is in front and center, yet backstage.

encompassing a reflex of interaction and accumulating knowledge of the mutual benefit potential inherent in space itself.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

accept our sacrifice we pray


Mirrored with thank you the vital expression most often repeated in ADF ritual the way I have come to repeat it is,

 A request that the free gift of our attention and efforts- shared and offered are appreciated and beneficial in association.

The formalized opportunity given to reject elements of this exchange are what establish it as freely given and freely received, a relationship acknowledged and welcomed.

A condition of receptivity has been established between parties as to what is taking place.

Human language understanding makes the ritual the opposite of identifying beings who have taken or stolen from you and demanding compensation.

A personal plea for acceptance

The root feeling

Repetition breeds habituation

Ritual habitat mutuality companionship intention

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Biofield poetics and proportional personhood

authority autograph authenticity 
automation autonomy aura arena

 micro community network density

 stability in complexity -

inter connected pathways of exchange trail between living and dying -

spatial relationships of substance and material congregating accumulating

           - the many are never one -

singularity of thought, belief, awareness, action, identity is not how it works.

shared areas of interest, common conditions, similar solutions do not require 
group mind.

developing the enrichment of process -

honoring the cycles, worshiping the systems, admiring the forms and structures -

 many expanding dimensional planes intersecting the containers of spirits,
not to mention the spirits of containers. 


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Biosignatures in distant time and space

I don't know how things will work out on Mars today.

I discovered this book stashed with personal treasures.

Grateful for the personal autograph of the author, and especially the date.

I did not remember the year, not to mention the month,

or day of our interaction,

it's potential or significance ,

the addition of that information was a time travel trigger for me.

connecting counters calculating complexity cautionary curiosity curation communication

Where was I?

Who was I?

Where am I now?

Who am I now?

 specific details facts

add up to a truth, an authenticity of being

identified and recognized by others.

choice  chance coincidence composition collected clues contained continually compared

 psychic graffiti biofilm pigmentation protection from the sun.

sheltering the life that is on the microbial surface

magnified metamorphisms multiplicity memory

the structural shedding of water its shaping and deposits of material

accenting the carved letters on the white marble memorials.

signs of life of another world.