Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Epigenetic Existentialism



Macrocosmic and Microcosmic fluidity

Bodies responding and interacting with their Environment in ways they are not consciously aware of .

Organization and function of Organs and Cells,Tissue memory,

Ancestral trauma,responses, triggers,defense and survival.

The desires ,expectations and experiences of the dead influence the formation of the living .

The Need that is in our Bone.

The Drive , the reason, the doing

The strategy of overcoming challenges

Adaptation instinct, excitement for life.

We are not always comfortable or knowledgeable with our inherited traits and behaviors,

A phobia of phenotype, and our sense of independent Self,being something more than a process of reproduction.

Heredity and Heritage,is passed on to offspring , Maybe we don’t like to think of ourselves as Children, a byproduct of Parents having Sex.

We are Generational variants on a living theme, a crop of our time, part of a natural transference of potential life information,Hope and Blessing from an Ancestral agenda,and playbook.  Biological updates on how a Human Body fits into the World,and the World that is our Body.