I don’t think we have any choice in the matter.
We learn things.
Life teaches us lessons .
Never too Old to learn, or too young to teach
Places of learning are places of growing. what is it? The text, the class, the teacher, your seat,and who sat next to you,The School, campus and community?
Rules, Routine,Regulation,Repetition?
I respect the work that it takes to create schools, buildings and classrooms,as much as Shrines or Temples, Clinics or Hospitals.
The Places are more than the institutions they represent,
They are more than a formula of service and function
They are keeping up with Time
Accessing performance,recording achievement, Enforcing standards, group goals,
People are moved through these places in the name of Knowledge.
The Process becomes ritualized,enshrined
Tradition itself is Idolized.
The opportunity for novelty is encoded in review committee report proposals.
Administration organization,Social hierarchies, Subliminal Subservient Submissive.
How well do you follow directions? Instructions? Inclusion or exclusion in someone else's subjective reality?.
I have a Spiritually significant different reaction between what I am free to choose to experience and what I am forced or required to do.
Required Reading changes the nature of the offering from gift that can be accepted or refused politely to a tax, an imposition on the relationship.
The degree of objectification and comparison,the comodification and competition Keeping Up, ranking in group, being told our place within the order, It doesn't seem necessary or helpful outside of the abstract model.
The giving of badges ,tittles. certificates or diplomas for performing,meeting expectations also takes away from the individuals ability to honor what they feel they discovered for themselves over the judgment and perception of the Institution.
One of the Tricks I have Learned is not sharing the wealth of My great Knowledge, but create opportunities for people to show themselves and each other how they made green, by mixing blue with yellow.
It is important to feel the place of learning is Our Body.
The Spirits that Inspire Thoughts don’t have to be bound up with disciplines of the Mind.,or quantified and qualified by rotating panels of experts
What have you got to say? not, tell me what I want to hear
It is not about submitting applications and tracking Program Progress.
Suggesting Sacred Study is one thing,Limiting and regulating Tradition,Trying to Own or claim a Way tends to treat practitioners as products, mistake sacrifice as suggested donation.Playing with the voluntary- volunteer supporting member feeling of belonging through an indentured obligation.
My continued education will continue to be one that is different than I can Imagine, foretell, or promise.
Perhaps Pagan Priestly Peer review is problematic,To much trouble to convert and calculate the experience?Is there shame in failing?Surprise at the realities of Group Worship?Danger in Boasting?
Confusing the practice of tooting our own horn with Religious Piety? .